George Washington Carver was dynamic about being dynamic. (1) Can a partial decentralization of political, governmental responsibility, (2) through the advent of a dynamic educational curriculum that integrates core academic standards with enterprise inspire individual duty and responsibility unto others, (3) energize our national economy ? (1) Does a partial redistribution of social responsibility increase cost efficiency, innovation, creativity, and individual financial wealth? What factors would have to be present to effect such a reality? (2) The increase of a transfer of many of the practical responsibilities away from the government and unto the private sector would be positively disruptive in the sense that the process and its final effect would hearken back to the non-political conservatism that (3) favors the spirit of the fundamental laws of individual human rights as written and intended in our Declaration of Independence. This creates a political shift and increase...
For The Good Of The American Family & Individual: Youth, Adults, & Senior Citizens