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Showing posts with the label executive function skills development

Upturning The Tables in the Autism World

Are established autism intervention organizations and centers the best pathway to creating 'successful' development in individuals with autism? What is the mainstream autism intervention approach these days? Why is that te main one? Has that approach 'cornered the market,' as far as providing the MOST successful intervention? Is it possible that a great number of innovative approaches are yet to be discovered? What is the goal with interventions? Do marketing dollars drive in propective families and individuals with autism into these centers, more so than actual success rates ? In an age when the mainstream approach to autism intervention sits squarely on the use of ABA, or applied behavioral analysis, the idea of innovating as a Special Educator working for an established center can, in my professional opinion, hinder the professionalism of the professional. What is more, I posit that professionals, such as Special Educators, or what is known loosely as '...

Common Core Standards & the Missing Executive Function Skills Link to Success

I have read the Common Core Standards found on the website CoreStandards.Org, and would like to offer some constructive feedback to United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Dear Sir and United States Secretary of Education Mr. Arne Duncan, How are you Sir? I hope you and your family were able to get a modicum of rest and relaxation over the holidays. My family and I did, but now it is back to work time. Dear Secretary, I have reviewed the Common Core Standards by which you are putting your full backing at this present moment. I know full well that you are a busy man, so I do appreciate the time, if any, that you may have set aside to reading my note to you regarding the current existent format of benchmark parameters for mathematics, reading and writing. Like a potter that shapes the clay, I say that we don't have to do away with the clay but perhaps add some water and impress some key contours into the clay.   Their is a major benchmark which can guarantee success in your...

#ExecutiveFunction Skills, #FinancialLiteracy & Physical Health in #America

  As an advocate for the executive function skills health of American children & adults ,  I am continously amazed by the wrong direction we are headed on two relevant fronts: ā€¢ national public school educational policy to educate the present, and upcoming generations of our nation's children,  ā€¢ and the effects of environmental toxicity on the development and long-term health of our brains. In a macro perspective, with such bright minds in our country, it is a marvel that states do not immediately make moves to strengthen and protect the American brain trust, our children, in these key areas of: ā€¢ executive function skills development ā€¢ financial literacy ā€¢ physical health That is to say, a person operates optimally when they have effective self-management systems that take into account all aspects of the person, is raised to in a scholastic culture that emphasizes financial self-reliance, and is able to live a life free of harmful...

Roughhousing Increases Emotional Intelligence

Do you roughhouse with your child? Far from having to perform the suplex wrestling maneuver on your kid, (or your spouse), roughhousing is a practical way to sustain, and build emotional intelligence, and executive function skills, including metacognition in children. Unfortunately, many a times, especially in single parent households, roughhousing is an activity that can be easily forgotten. Parents can become too focused on work, schedules, and the routines of the day. Even so, 10 minutes a day of this can make most kids start the day supercharged and happy. This activity increases kids behavior modulation, self control, creative play, and provides kids with an opportunity to physically interact with their parents in a way that is self-regulating for them. Their faces light up. They love to do this with Mommy and Daddy. It brings parents to the floor, a level kids are very comfortable with, and it allows children to even vent out energy in a positive way.  Roughhousing ev...

Changing our Minds: Metacognition and Motivation

Do you feel unproductive in the mornings, even though you have a great deal of work to do? Is it hard to laser-focus on what is most important? How does that impact your sense of accomplishment? What about your sense of self-worth? Metacogniton, or awareness of one's on thinking, is pivotal for a person to be able to modify thinking and behavior patterns. The desire for positive change may be there, but the habituated thinking and doing patterns that pervade everyday life may be very strong, hence, the individual may feel stuck. Well, perception is stronger than reality. A problem may appear big, especially if you focus on its problematic characteristics in detail. This unproductive focus can derail motivation, desire, and leave one feeling dejected. It can actually stall forward-momentum, and 'arrest' potential talent keeping it locked up in your mind to gather mothballs. What is worse is that over time, derailed attempts gather steam, much like a runawa...

Expectations: A snapshot on how they influence instruction and learningtowards success, or ensure dismal failure

ā€œRun 1 mile?ā€ He canā€™t do that! He can walk a mile.ā€ ā€œMy son is on the Autism spectrum. He canā€™t even tie his shoelace on his own.  Sports like sailing, surfing, and skiing are just not feasible.ā€ ā€œBiking?, she is four years old. Maybe when she is older.ā€ As a father, and as an Educator, I come across reactions like this all the time. They are normal reactions by parents, teachers, and caregivers. I donā€™t blame them, (because that is not helpful). Yet, I do carve out my advantage by bringing in a strikingly different approach. Using evidence-based methods of instruction, I add positive energy, hope, fun, and challenge. By creating momentum, I seek to engage my students. Through experience, I aim to instill in them the notion that Coach Bill truly wants their success. When words fail to express emotion, passion, and feeling, I look to communicate through my actions. I want them to know that I am invested in them, and  I want them to be ā€˜charged up,ā€™ as I am ...