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Showing posts with the label Jesuits

#Hoarding - Filling the Voids in the Heart & Mind / #family #community #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption

In my last blog post, I spoke, in part, of the Jesuit-philosophy and its impact in my childhood upbringing and graduate studies. A Jesuit I am not though. That said, the underpinnings central to its credence can easily be viewed as somewhat universal. In the instruction of man and woman, that the educator and learner seek to empower mind, body and soul (the heart). This balance is pivotal to forming and maintaining health within us and by extension, our communities. Keeping the physical body toned and in shape is smart, as is keeping the mind in good physical and emotional health. Moreover, the state of oneā€™s non-physical ā€˜heart,ā€™ as in the soul, is of vital importance as well. A lack of balance in one of these three will always manifest itself in some way, shape or form in our lives, placing pressure on the other aspects of our being. Balance is good then and heeding or acting on this understanding is wise and fruitful to one, their family and the community they live in. ...