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Just The Basics: Reshaping The Objective of Education in the 21st Century Paperback ā€“ Large Print, November 2, 2020


The Original Spirit & Intent of Liberty: To Protect Us That We Be Happy (Chapter 4)

  ā€œThe care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government.ā€   Thomas Jefferson, 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809; Frederick Douglass would be born in 1818, and John Quincy Adams was 42 when Thomas Jefferson said as much in his old age. Our first Secretary of State and third American president, a slaveholder himself, saw that the institution of slavery would be like an anvil annihilating the original spirit of liberty and intent of the generation of thought leaders of 1776. The ability for the new country to find true peace, unalloyed joy, and prosperity in its soul, that its people be happy and at peace, and also that because of that vigilant conscience of what shared values we must hold close to our hearts and minds, our global leadership become a true light of liberty for the world. Is it in the knowledge and understanding of our prioritization of what is most important to us that our values becom...

Critical Thinkers Address The Provincialism of 'Popular Sovereignty'

      And so as a national community, we do not have the peace of mind & heart that should be and we donā€™t have momentum as it should be on making America a more perfect union because the passion to do so ebbs and flows only in so much as individual application of defending liberty occurs,  both, in the lesser and greater matters of caring for community  As it was since the time of the Revolutionary War and that generation of 1776, the dismissal of a vibrant awareness of the principle factor of the right to life has continued to anchor our humanity in elementary harbors of narrow-mindedness. It was in the American colonist call of ā€œno taxation, without representationā€ in what was then the English Commons of America, that legal ā€˜jurisprudenceā€™ was established amongst chosen, good, and upright representatives of the united colonies, to determine legal claim unto the natural right of man to live safely within a community that establishes a system of law...

That Long Forgotten Early Battle

ā€œWe will not recognize the true value of our own lives until we affirm the value in the life of others..ā€ President Ronald Reagan Quincy, Ma., June 17th, 1775: John Quincy Adams stands upon a mountain beholding the British-American Battle of Bunker Hill, a sweeping conflagration encompassing two hills, the shore line, and water. An awesome sight of what was thought to be the most highly-trained, most well-dressed soldiers in red coats & white against a rag tag army of poor, untrained civilians. The scene took place in Boston Harbor with awesome man-of-war ships cannoning onto land, and ranks of soldiers both ā€˜holding the lineā€™ and charging forward against each other. What is the value of liberty? What moves fellow man to pick up the gun  and defend the liberty of his life and that of his fellow countrymen? John Quincy Adams was nine years old as he watched the scene of gallantry, horror, and spectacle with his mother. His father, a leader in the Cont...

Life & Liberty: Those Undisputed Champions of America

The Champion of America, Frederick Douglass ā€œThe education of the nation is paramount, and should not be neglected. We should recognize the absolute necessity of elevating our citizens of whatever class or condition from ignorance, from degradation, from superstition, from pauperism, from crime. It is an accepted axiom, I believe everywhere, that the more intelligent the citizen is the better citizen he is.ā€ Congressman Richard Cain , South Carolina, 1875 at the House Of Representatives The Reconstruction Era of 1870 to 1901 was a remarkable time wherein 22 Americans of black skin color , with legislative agendas on increasing education, political rights, and economic independence  became Congressmen in our nationā€™s capital. The mere presence of former slaves in positions of governmental authority represented a tremendous victory for America, as it pertains to its fulfillment of the constitutional ideas of equal justice, life, and liberty for all.   Republi...