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Showing posts with the label The Rock

America's Way: A Life of Service-From @MuhammadAli to @theRock / #socialresponsibility #family #youth #AmericanQuilt

updated 2/10/16 Muhammad Ali is known as the greatest boxer of all time. He was a firebrand in his day and stood up for what he thought was right. Some of his decisions were incredibly unpopular with certain folks, such as his refusal to conscript in the armed forces and fight in Vietnam. A war that for the U.S. proved a tremendous expenditure in loss of sons and fathers for a victory that never materialized. Muhammad Ali, a poet, fighter and civil rights leader refused to partake and was ostracized and imprisoned. None of this took away from him becoming the champion of the nation, in fact, it bolstered his platform as an independent-thinking American who was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in. The 'People's Champ' was stripped of his heavy-weight boxing title and lambasted for his un-Americanism. Nonetheless, he stood his ground.   Do you stand your ground for someone else? Do you stand your ground for what is right? This man was at the to...

The rise of #theFieldGeneral / #autism #warrior #coding #cognition #AllAmerican #JCrew

updated 2/11/16 Metacognition, in laymanā€™ s terms signifies how we approach the world through our thinking, to think about our thinking in order to review and edit our thought process so that we can gauge, change, maintain or seek to improve our course of action. Many of the students I work with do not place great value on social norms. Invariably, some of their traits and characteristics get ā€˜taken on by me.ā€™ This is what happens when you are with someone for so long. Do we take on a bit of each other due to empathy? Are we like open books that we can write or code on each other a bit here and a bit there?  Processing (digesting code).  #theFieldGeneral, who is on the #autism spectrum is processing digested code on a a constant basis. We do it similarly, but ā€˜fasterā€™  using a completely different cranial physical makeup. That is to say,  our brain is physically made slightly different because of the way we use it to think. The train tra...