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Showing posts with the label mercury

The Welcomed Grief That Comes with the Job

In my line of work, a part of my heart takes on a part of the grief of parents who have children with more severe special needs, like autism. I empathically feel some of the pain expressed by the mothers. Their tears can become my tears eventually, and some of their energy gets replicated and carried by me. I in turn channel it (as best I can) into my work, and my advocacy for the disadvantaged individuals.  Apparently, I should channel more effectively because there is a fire in my bones. I can regulate and modulate and have multiple outlets for my energy, but the grief of some of these parents is monumental. I recognize injustice. Children with autism are not usually born autistic. It is after we plug them over and over again with the nasty preservatives, like barium, strontium, formaldehyde, mercury, aluminimum ( a metal last time I checked), and cancer-causing viruses. Read up on the work of Dr. Russell Blaylock (who has not been completely sidelined by the Big Pharma-vaccine l...