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Showing posts with the label USA

The Works Of Their Preparations To The Battle

ā€œBut now it is to be transformed into a ā€œsacred right.ā€ Nebraska brings it forth, places it on the high road to extension and perpetuity; and, with a pat on its back, says to it, ā€œGo and God speed you.ā€ Henceforth it is to be the chief jewel of the nation, the very figure-head of the ship of State. Little by little, but steadily as manā€™s march to the grave, we have been giving up the OLD for the NEW faith.. Near eighty years ago we began by declaring that all men are created equal; but now from that beginning we have run down to the other declaration, that for SOME men to enslave others is a sacred right of self-government. These principles cannot stand together. They are opposite as God and mammon; and whosoever holds to the one, must despise the other.ā€ Abraham Lincoln, 1854 During the course of the 1800s, three Americans, John Quincy Adams, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln, all meek of heart, brilliant in their thinking, and determined in their resolve, took it upon thems...

It Was The Individual Liberty That Made Us Great / #geoeconomics #education #SonsOfFreedom

American geoeconomics pivoting to effect a better trade stance with China is an entirely reasonable monetary rebalancing, given the decades long reality of a market relationship wherein most of the transacted goods initiate with them, being sold to us, with far less of our more costly goods finding their ways on to their land. Their over one billion residents, as a whole, simply do not have the individual monetary spending power that the average American citizen employs, and with labor costs greatly connected to the average cost of living, China can exact a profit of its goods sold to us as it maintains a low labor cost. Due to lack of such labor-protective actualities in China, such as labor unions and a democratic reality allowing Chinese citizens to have power over their government, therein being empowered advocates over their economic livelihoods, the average factory working Chinese laborerā€™s return investment on their time and physical energy expenditure can be held to a p...

The Common Sense of Educating The Whole Person / #criticalthinkers #citizenship #theFreedomPapers

It does not seem to be that being outspoken, non-tribal critical thinkers are valued or rightly understood for what they can offer the local and national community. The established, public school educational order seems to disregard the creation of Americans with these mindsets, and appears to be tilted in favoring the shaping of minds primarily into important specific knowledge focuses (science, technology, education, math).  The creation, valuing and support of open-minded, non-tribal, ideologically free, moral critical thinkers is  one of  the greatest gifts any nation seeking to maintain individual freedom and liberty can give itself, because these protect and defend, not firstly with weapons made of iron, but with the intangible instruments of the mind: common sense, refined executive functions, and intellects crafted to become observant, analytical, fair and balanced in perspective, ever-ready to the questioning and refinement of oneā€™s education.  Edu...

The Innovation of Special Education: Meditative, Story Dance / #executivefunction #edchat #education

In special education, the ability to innovate with practical ways of developing and strengthening neural connectivity that leads to new ā€˜thinking pathways,ā€™ even alternative sequences of thinking process that create new mental perspectives, is both easy and challenging. The vast majority of Special Educators are stationed within a formal classroom environment, and thus, must work within the physical parameters of the school building and the individual educational plan agreed to in team meetings. Should the Special Educator adapt to more entrepreneurial outlooks, allowing for themselves to take on a much more independent thinking style in line with that of what is known as the ā€˜clinical educator?ā€™ Taking license from the entrepreneurial mode of production, clinical educators look first unto observing, reflecting, and studying how their own instructional approach, as a series of methods, strategies, mindsets, and fine-tuning of their professional relationship with those they teach,...

New Citizens, New Country / #education #parents #teachers #USA

1. Who can understand economic oppression without the benefit of a solid education? Who can know how to see opportunity in the absence of an educational curriculum that shapes a lop-sided professional?  2. How can the quality of education, differing across America, lead to different individual outcomes for people?  3. Is it possible that not all education is of the same quality, leading towards the same purpose, and that their are advantageous gains for students in elite, private schools, as compared to inner city public schools?  4. What are powerful, positive actions that can accelerate the social and economic realities of an American citizenry, wherein all are afforded the finest educational supports needed to fully access the opportunities?  5. How would the raising of outspoken, critically-minded citizens be deemed beneficial to society? 6. Should we not have more citizens in tune, in participation, and in conversation regarding how the country move...

The Strength of the Executive Office /#theFreedomPapers #criticalthinking #leadership

ā€œYet knowing how way leads on to way..ā€ Robert Frost At the onset of the first tenure, after he had slugged it out through storms of snow, storms of rain and wind, storms of bullets and blood, storms of death, of victory, of defeat, of no provisions, of untrained men, of the uncertainty that comes with facing the most formidable army the world had at that time, George Washington was dealt a final battle of temptation. There is a myth that after all he had co-fought as he led the Continental Army to crush the British Red Coats, Washington was asked if he wanted to be Kingā€¦to be The King of America. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. If this myth be true, knowing how way leads on to way, could it be that General George Washington foresaw that power had to rest in the people, less the future of America repeat the ravages and unfair plight it eventually began to experience as an extension to an unfair monarchy? The Continental Congress, as it seems, led on with the energy and passion of John Adams, st...

When Will America Get A Chance To Be America? / #politicalscience #theFreedomEssays #USA

Idealism is nice, yet idealism that is too far removed from the realities of a present situation risks becoming nothing more than air castles in the sky. Finding common ground in a political maelstrom that is all too often directed by characters behind the scenes likewise risks becoming a futile exercise in impractical idealism. The truth of the matter may be that it behooves lobbying groups to seek the welfare of their deep-pocketed patrons to focus on the protection of their interests, even if it entails a narrow-minded scope of what is best for the operation of a country. In such a climate of lobbying groups, each representative of associations of corporations from singular industries, our elected officials are presented with the viability of receiving funding for their political campaigns to stay in office and therein perhaps achieve modest gains not just for their political patrons, but ideally, for the betterment of the country, if not there own political party, at the least...