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Showing posts with the label Big Data

Outflanking #BigDataMimicry By Being Human #executivefunction

Lately, I have been using the word 'outflank' quite a bit.. I like it. As an entrepreneur and a professional, outflanking has to be part of my repertoire to stay effective. When your army is small and your reach limited, being able to come up with creative ways to reach one's target market becomes essential (or at least that's what I tell myself). In an age of #BigDataMimicry where full, fake profiles of nonexistent people exist on the internet, complete with blogs, tweets, posts, and even video footage, the importance of 'outflanking' becomes tremendously important, less you want your message stifled a bit with waves of similar-content created algorithms. 'Marketing Tsunami by algorithm!'  The tsunami is not fatal, but it surely breaks down the ability, or makes it ever more difficult for real people offering and looking for services to meet. In a room with one bee, it is easy to spot the bee. In a room with one real bee but dozens of similar, yet diffe...

The #ExecutiveFunction Skills of #Outflanking #BigData #Mimicry in #SocialMedia Part One

1. Do you know that in the world of social media, one can purchase followers from fake accounts? 2. Did you know that big data crunching now can create mimicry algorithms to tailor masses of nonexistent, fake profiles, complete with blog postings, timely twitter tweets, and yet all strikingly resemblant to your own content? Of course, not everyone in Social Media is a computer-generated fake profile, but their are nonetheless legions of created profiles out their that are at the beck and call of algorithms that can be re-tailored to suit the present needs of a real customer.. like an aspiring presidential candidate, a local political leader running for re-election, a deep pocket corporations looking to seize on a cottage industry...just like the 'industry' of executive function skills development. This is la creme as far as direct marketing is concerned. It's marketing to the power of 10 on nitro in one sense. In another sense, the fake profiles created, if you can actually...