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Showing posts with the label poem

God So Loved The World / a #poem #literature

God so loved the world that he descended into it. He was willing to suffer the vessels fitted for destruction,   that the holy vessels may have an example to follow. His arrival was anticipated by the rulers of the world; in the hope of stopping Him, they killed all young children two and under He descended from above unto a world spiritually in darkness; He became a shining light unto others bringing hope of a better calling, a surety of a deeper purpose. His disciples fanned out far and wide, moved by the passion of his Holy Spirit; they willfully endured scorn, scoffing, murder, and persecution. God so loved the world, seeing its inevitable demise,  he willfully loved us, in spite of ourselves We altogether have fallen, having chosen the pleasures of this world for a short season, rather than the separation of our spirit from this world He drew us out of many waters; and he inscripted us in turn, to st...

Essay & Poem: Keeping the President to his Promises / #thisAmericanQuilt #criticalthinking #ProLife

There is no understanding in a darkened vessel. It is reduced to smart matter self-interested in its own self, in its survival, its earthy endeavors, all that it sees, thinks and feels with its senses. Love, in its highest form releases itself from such darkness surreptitiously, stealth-like. Imperceptibly, such a vessel discerns not the moment of love’s release. …………………………………. Apathy & Empathy at what point, it could not be told waves of apathy rushed into the void rising crescendos of craftiness clouded inner sight afar off, Love in its perpetual glory looked on a darkened vessel all that remained a human without course, a ship without a tiller a heart without light to see the way ………………………………….. Does God not test us? Is he not in the midst of all his children? Is he in the distance somewhere in deep space looking on, far removed from the details of people’s lives? Is God not the essence of love and among us at all times? Does he not j...

A Poem: A Christian Confronts The Simulation / #positivedisruption #freedom #liberty

Better  it is to be  of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 God through Solomon ………………. Part 1 a man of sorrows, you came unto your own, and your own received you not Creator of Heaven and Earth, your visage was marred beyond recognition by those you created Love itself, knowing the end from the very beginning You suffer the vessels of wrath staking your life as a ransom for your peculiar children Your sons and daughters you make kings, we cast our crowns before your throne Called because we are drawn Hope, our expectation of things to come My Lord and my Redeemer, Here I stand doing all I can do to endure Your words are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb and your spirit comforts my weary soul Joyfully, I despise the shame Joyfully, I despise the persecution ……………… Part 2 With my own heart-eyes I saw man’s system I stood in front of it beholding...

Poem For The Fallen and For Those Who Serve US / #servantleaders @usarmedforces #poetry

The tombstones all look the same though they are inscribed each with a different name. There are millions of them across the land, some well-kept, some leaning, grey and forgotten. The mass of them seems to become to much to respectfully comprehend, yet each of the earthly graves holds long dead and dry bones which once walked. Each was a sacrifice, each was special.  Each had a mother each had a father a brother, perhaps a sister a grandfather, a grandmother Each had teachers, perhaps a preacher too. Some where married, some where too young to know love But they did have love Their love was the greatest love that could be given That of giving one’s life for another So says my Lord… Each held their stance Each took a stand of love Each forsook their own liberty Inscripted into an armed force They fought for ours In the rain, in the darkness in the loneliness of the watch In the pain of war In the silence of the night In the c...

The American Presidency, Media Collusion and Political Maneuvers by a Former President

sometimes the words are too… the poems that need to be said are not written the movements are made to the music instead sometimes the truth is… the movements are made to the music instead the story is released like the sun releases starry mass the press of your subtle persecution bores me your ways are predictable, your patterns expected ……………………………… The American Presidency,  Media Collusion and Political Maneuvers by Former Presidents  I was going to let him do as he wanted. But then he upstaged our country’s political protocol and etiquette in a pointed attack on the sitting President of the United States of America. What he did with his presence was more substantive than what he actually said. Former President Barack H. Obama appeared in Berlin along with Chancellor Angela Merkel in front of thousands of beaming fans in his usual ‘cool and charismatic’ way nonchalantly talking of ‘this and that’ as the actual President ...

Things That Matter / Two Poems & a Reflection

Things That Matter Clean running rivers matter Music that calms the heart matters Parents who adore their children matter Finding time for good laughter and dancing matters. Is it only when we loose everything, or have everything taken away that we begin to appreciate what we had? More than money and things, the people in our lives matter the most. The money can purchase comfort and security, but it can not buy us love and fulfillment. I know this. You know this. My childhood family use to be very wealthy. We had everything. We had an over abundance of money, houses, exotic vacations, the best schools, fast sport cars, nice clothes and money in the bank. But the Lord giveth and He taketh. Who can understand Him? Though he lives in us and dwells in us, his ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts. As an adolescent, I had asked Him to make me a Field General in his army. An army that you cannot see with your eyes, but only feel with your...

#theLittleOnes and a Poem / #positivedisruption #God

I woke up and thought of the Lord’s prophets and teachers of old. Most made no money or enjoyed  any kind of material success, except some of the kings, like David. Elijah did not write New York Times best-sellers or become financially successful from creating smart phone apps. Moses did actually pen a few books it is said and was the Duke for all intents and purposes, yet he had to pine away in the desert for eighty years living in a tent constantly on the move and tolerating an unruly crowd. He had no stock invested in Wall Street. Muhammad lived a simple man and left the earth without material riches. Abraham was materially rich indeed, as was Job, the great-grandfather of David, and Joseph who became the ruler of Egypt under Pharaoh. But most of the Lord’s men and women were simple folk who did their duty and then were executed, even God’s own son, Jesus.  As a young man I thought how could I best live my life in service to God? What would I be and do? How would...

A Poem & Facilitating the Development of Self-Expression by #Dancing / #autism #intervention #awareness #DownsSyndrome #ADHD #edchat

somewhere in the heart in a crevice of my mind a spark grows from the inside out a revolution that becomes electric The value of self-expression development to a youth or adult with neurological deficits cannot be understated as an engine of positive growth on multiple levels. Be it typing an essay or writing a short poem, playing a musical instrument or dancing up a storm, self expression can be a form of communication, a work of art and a pathway to bringing our inside selves to the outside. By having typical children, those on the autism spectrum, with downs syndrome or executive function skill deficits   practice story dancing , they actively rewire the cognitive-physical story of their lives. In this case, self-expression can become a self-regulatory, communication life line to individuals who may be otherwise verbally-challenged. All said, the greater task exists in getting the student to recognize the value.  What is self-expression anyway? It i...