updated 1/15/16 12:30 pm We use the internet to connect, communicate, learn, teach, create awareness, take action, as an economic medium and as a 'place' to share all sorts of things. Did you know that there was an internet before the 'Internet' though? A very organic underground system that connects across different species in a multi-faceted manner sending protection, aid, communication and defense quite marvelously. Mycorrhizae, a fungi cousin to mushrooms has been studied by British scientists and they have discovered that mycorrhizae filaments stretch for miles, even covering entire forests under the earth with connections to all all plant and tree life. Outside threats of infestation, or vegetative disease are picked up by filaments which in turn communicate to the rest of the web of inter-connected species who in turn take action exactly like the auto-immune system in humans. Who would have known that intelligent vegetative life could behave in such...
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