Let it Be, Let it get STEAMiE! / #science, #tech, #engineering #math #entrepreneurism #leadwithgiants
Developing oneās executive function skills, those prefrontal cortex abilities which include the ability to modulate behavior, control our emotionsā¦our impulsesā¦ with focus and sustained attention, these are best put to use when the mind is engaged with the heart. Aligning these two is no easy accomplishment. It takes experience, soul-searching, time, knowing who you are, what makes you tick and a penchant for wanting to be understanding of one self and others. Many of us simply are not trained in school to think along these patterns. Curriculums move quickly on their own time tables and agendas. Tests have to be studied for, homework has to be completed, common core milestones have to be reached. This leaves little to know time for the rise of the entrepreneurial spirit. This spirit is a set of mindsetsā¦ perspectives which drive one like a framework of outlooks by which adventures are dreamt, charted and strived for. The traditional school movement uses such cornerstone...