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Showing posts with the label U.S. Supreme Court

Critical Thinkers Address The Provincialism of 'Popular Sovereignty'

      And so as a national community, we do not have the peace of mind & heart that should be and we donā€™t have momentum as it should be on making America a more perfect union because the passion to do so ebbs and flows only in so much as individual application of defending liberty occurs,  both, in the lesser and greater matters of caring for community  As it was since the time of the Revolutionary War and that generation of 1776, the dismissal of a vibrant awareness of the principle factor of the right to life has continued to anchor our humanity in elementary harbors of narrow-mindedness. It was in the American colonist call of ā€œno taxation, without representationā€ in what was then the English Commons of America, that legal ā€˜jurisprudenceā€™ was established amongst chosen, good, and upright representatives of the united colonies, to determine legal claim unto the natural right of man to live safely within a community that establishes a system of law...

Better #ExecutiveFunction Skills w/ Less Fracking: This Land is Your Land, this Land is my Land

Is the current cost/ benefit ratio of fracking the earth's crust to extract energy in the form of natural gas a much greater cost than the benefits it gives? Is it a benefit or an exorbitant cost to the immediate and long-range health of communities, and lands where such a practice occurs?  Does injecting obscene amounts of chemicals, mixed with water into the earth's crust and its water tables harm the physical health of any child or adult? Can it lead to autism? Can it lead to other neurological disorders, based on exposure? Why is it legal to frack when it is such a counter-productive, and unhealthy way to extract energy, given that we can get way cleaner and cheaper energy from such sources, like waste, algae, the sun, the water, and apparently, electromagnetism?  I hear they are doing nifty energy things over in that CERN place in Europe.  With that kind of energy, why frack, why even use oil?  It just doesn't make sense that the water supply of hundreds of comm...