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Showing posts with the label love

God So Loved The World / a #poem #literature

God so loved the world that he descended into it. He was willing to suffer the vessels fitted for destruction,   that the holy vessels may have an example to follow. His arrival was anticipated by the rulers of the world; in the hope of stopping Him, they killed all young children two and under He descended from above unto a world spiritually in darkness; He became a shining light unto others bringing hope of a better calling, a surety of a deeper purpose. His disciples fanned out far and wide, moved by the passion of his Holy Spirit; they willfully endured scorn, scoffing, murder, and persecution. God so loved the world, seeing its inevitable demise,  he willfully loved us, in spite of ourselves We altogether have fallen, having chosen the pleasures of this world for a short season, rather than the separation of our spirit from this world He drew us out of many waters; and he inscripted us in turn, to st...

‘Hello Brother, hello sister’ / #Israel #Palestine #Jerusalem #politicalscience #positivedisruption

Recently, the President of the United States of America formally acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was a decision mainly met with contention from leaders in the Islamic world, and good tidings from Israel itself. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish-state, staunch allies of the American government with deep cultural ties with the American Judeo-Christian culture, have marked the occasion of American recognition of Jerusalem with a joy that has been long in anticipation. In this essay, I briefly expand on the human rights component of the contending issue between Palestine and Israel, and on a wider lens, the use of Palestine by internal and external powers as a proxy to militarily fight the Jewish homeland, destabilize the safety of the region, and in effect create an uneasy status quo of constant existential threats. This middle-eastern city has historically been a staging ground of battle for thousands of years between Jewish, Chr...

A Poem: A Christian Confronts The Simulation / #positivedisruption #freedom #liberty

Better  it is to be  of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 God through Solomon ………………. Part 1 a man of sorrows, you came unto your own, and your own received you not Creator of Heaven and Earth, your visage was marred beyond recognition by those you created Love itself, knowing the end from the very beginning You suffer the vessels of wrath staking your life as a ransom for your peculiar children Your sons and daughters you make kings, we cast our crowns before your throne Called because we are drawn Hope, our expectation of things to come My Lord and my Redeemer, Here I stand doing all I can do to endure Your words are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb and your spirit comforts my weary soul Joyfully, I despise the shame Joyfully, I despise the persecution ……………… Part 2 With my own heart-eyes I saw man’s system I stood in front of it beholding...

Fearlessness, Love & Inspiration Keeps Freedom Alive / #thisAmericanQuilt #USA

“…so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.” Haggai 2:5b What is it to have no fear? To walk without fear can be an act of foolishness if we are ignorant to the realities that surround us, as much as it can be a breakthrough in the exercise of freedom if we walk fearless with full knowledge of all that is before us. Knowing the truths that make up life as we know it can be a daunting experience. Quite easily we are able to slip away from acknowledging the truth of the matter through different escape outlets. Television is one of these.  We can move into ways of living and of thinking which are well-trodden by others. (Bear with me as I bring out this thought to you.) Rhetoric and perspectives that are old, tired philosophies which we wear as ragged clothes keep us from living to our fullest extent with our hearts on our sleeves. Seldom does an individual create new moves and new paths in thinking and doing outside the normal range of culture, thereby b...

Lt. John Corina Shot Down. Motive Unknown / The Destruction of Our Souls #USA #thisAmericanQuilt

“And they will deceive every one his neighbor, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:5-6 Political forces create laws that subordinate humanity. Why should I pay into this system of garbage? The country is partly strong, partly broken. Legs of iron mixed with clay. You look the other way knowing that unsafe vaccines maim our intellectual power. A vaccine kangaroo court award hundreds of millions of apologetic dollars. Hush money. You look the other way and drive on eating lies made of ashes and mud. You stand by as human life is mercilessly killed in the womb and you play your favorite sex song on the radio that tells you everything is alright. Your music is atrocious. It is all subliminal and carries the undertone of politics. The people know not, care not. You disrega...

The Power Of Love / #brotherskeeper #altruism #empathy #servantleadership

“…but God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.” The Acts 10:28b And what business are we to be about? The Lord said to be about his business. Is it to one-up each other for advantage in a battle of ideas and political will? What is this business that God directs us to? In Psalm 51:17, God spoke through David and said that he cares not for the sacrifices of burnt animal offerings, for what is he to do with that? Incense is nothing to him, in fact, the nations are but a drop in the bucket to Him. Instead, the Lord sais that the sacrifices he seeks are a brokenhearted and contrite spirit that seeketh His face, to do his commandments with a cheerful heart. With that attitude, God will gladly accept all that we give unto Him. To do his business is truly to heal the brokenhearted, to bind up the wounds of each other, to bring light into each others life… to do good without looking for a recompense or a credit from man.  Recently,...

Positive Disruption in the Holy Land / #OurHumanityByTheWayside #socialresponsibility #skateboarding @Israel @Palestine

Like in the United States, most individuals and families seek healthy opportunities to further their education and well-being, if given the chance. Invariably, there will always be elements looking to destabilize peace and a Palestine State coexisting peacefully with an Israeli state. Would country families in the rural regions of Israel and Palestine consider taking a part in a mega-skatepark initiative with routine skateboarding contests involving both Palestinian and Israeli family youth? These parks could dot the land complete with skateboarding schools that are inclusive of both nationalities. Building them within Palestine and Israel is important, as is building the largest skateparks between heavy tension points, including in and around Jerusalem and rural lands that are contested. Done quickly and magnanimously enough, the simple action of building these and sustaining the vision of why they are being built, would cause a ‘brothers keeper’ effect, dir...

The Real Santa Clause Can Be Found In The Water / #socialresponsibility #executiveFUNction @surfershealing

There are countless souls across the country and the earth itself who bring hope through action to others. It is because of these spirited minds that others are also emboldened to follow suit and continue to spread a chain of love far from the original catalyst of positive change. Is it not then that life becomes immeasurably more rich when we softly enter into each others lives by serving one another? There is a man and his family who is active in such a manner. He and his band travel the world spreading goodness, hope, joy, laughter and a deep faith that there is altruistic love out there and that it is seeking to enter into as many hearts as possible. This man is Izzy Pascowitz and his band is called Surfers Healing. Those who know of them can attest to the tremendous gift of time, energy and the monumentally relentless drive Izzy and his merry band of surfers and volunteers bring to the life of individuals on the autism spectrum and with intellectual disabilities, such a...