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Showing posts with the label kids

#ExecutiveFunction Skill Vocabulary Bank

Live E xecutive Function Skills Vocabulary Word Bank focus sustain attention goal-directed persistence prioritizing organization task initiation task execution time management awareness short-term planning ahead long-term planning ahead sequencing pace short-term working memory long-term working memory self-monitor self-regulation self-actualization self-assessment self/ emotional control behavior modulation foresight (anticipate/ predict) metacognition (thinking about your thinking, how you approach world) mental flexibility(shift/transition) mindfulness  problem solving response inh   ibition (impulse control) functional balance study skill tools *are their more? Let me know:)  For more, go to http://www.CoachBill.US Twitter.Com @CoachBill007 Instagram: CoachBill007 Youtube: CoachBill007  

Protecting the Family Strengthens the Nation

"Destroy the family, you destroy the country." Vladimir Lenin What makes nations flourish is the strengthening and empowerment of its families. What makes nations implode (aside from another country invading) are the devaluing and breakdown of the family. Like a greenhouse garden that must be tended daily, the non-material wealth of your family has to also. Actions speak louder than words, yet thoughts can lead to action. Consider the following thoughts and suggestions for spending quality time with your family that you allow to be enjoyable to you also. To drum up non-material wealth: spend time reading 3-4 short stories to your kids every single night. make up a story to teach your kids something you deem important. Don't be so obvious. For example, I like to create conversation, turn taking stories where characters in my plot discuss,  chit chat, have tea, fly on the occasional imaginary helicopter, save the princess, and fly on the whi...

Self-Empowering our Kids by becoming Parent Executive Function Skill Coaches

Conveying self-empowerment strengthening may sound like a very abstract action. But it can be done if you hit certain parameters every week.  The core of this self-empowerment is how we show that we treat each others,  BY the use of:  laser-guided parent coaching sessions scheduled and carried out one to three times per week  parent to parent role modeling of wholesome paraverbal skills  Parents can create home labs for executive function skills development that boost, sustain and empower children's: emotional intelligence:  degree of one's ability to manage ones behavior, emotions, paraverbal skills, mental flexibility, especially in challenging situations. executive function skills are 'housed' in your frontal lobe, and are the ability to MOM one self in a goal-directed manner. MOM stands for manipulate, orchestrate, and manage. Manipulate is not to be misconstrued negatively as when a person manipulates another. You can 'manipulate' how you feel emotiona...

Taking Charge of your Families Daily Hormone Flux

When you come to think about it, humans are either in a state of hormonal equilibrium, or are in pursuit/desirous of it. If you don't feel ok, the basic ingrained desire is to want to feel ok.   How we get there with the best interest of our families is the subject of this article.             An inordinate amount of distractions, jobs, tasks and futile pursuits which can fill our day. Through the  course of this day. If we were to get a "read-out"  of our daily hormonal flux we would be astounded by the up and down roller-coaster/stock market graphing of it. Given this hormonal flux, what is one big hormonal trap for kids and adults, and what are some concrete actions that are practical, engaging, and easy to integrate into one's life, and/or family life? To start with, spending an inordinate, unbalanced amount of time on technological gadgets manifests anxiety, stress, uneasiness and studies are showing it is physically bad...

Can Playing #Chess, #Meditating, #Horseplay and #Dancing make great kids?

The answer is no. Yet, a home that is made warm, comfortable and nurturing by both parents can provide more warmth than the best commerical home heater system out their. Using a formula system, it is practical, and easily possible for any family, independent of monthly income to make immediate home changes that immediately starts reaping love dividends from your kids. With consistency, a young heart and a growth-oriented mindset, parents can literally showcase and role-model incredibly important life skill tools that lead your children to have higher than strong executive function skills, high emotional intelligence, and an ability to deal with failure that is uncanny. Parents are advised. You may have to get on your hands and knees for some of this tough work. Horseplay, or what some call roughhousing may be a laughing matter to most, but it is actually a very serious matter that is understated and dismissed. Great horseplay entails the parent making it a continous  matter to poin...