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Showing posts with the label marriage

The Family Meal / #savingAmerica #family #USA

A few essential activities during the day keep the a crucial thread in the United States of America, and the world for that matter, together. The family dinner, in my childhood, was a time where we could see Dad and Mom relate to one another and these two share time with my siblings and I. It was like a book end to the day, which in retrospect, was better than a ā€˜night cap.ā€™ After saying ā€˜grace,ā€™ in giving thanks to God, something we would take turns in leading the family in, the food would be passed around and instead of immediately eating, though that was allowed, everyone would calmly put forth of their dayā€™s happenings. Mom and Dad would ask each of us, calling us by name, ā€œhow was you day? We would comment on teachers, assessments, things planned for the future in school or talk about what we wanted to do for the weekend. Where one child would speak, soon enough the rest would chime in on the heels of their talking. Momentary silence would elapse from my parents as we all a...