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Showing posts with the label Dad

Fathers are Just as Important / #ClintEastwood #thisAmericanQuilt #America #children

It is so important to have strong, male role-models in our families and community. Women alone cannot save the world. We need both parents, and the community to raise our children. It is an all-in effort. That said, the deterioration of fatherhood in many parts of our land is directly hacking away at the foundation of what keeps America moving forward. The importance of having upright fathers who are a positive and nurturing presence in the lives of their children cannot be underrated but must be trumped out in front and protected, if our communities are to have any hope of raising strong, healthy children to lead us forward into each new age.  I think of my own father and his manhoodā€¦. My late-Dad could have been Clint Eastwoodā€™s brother. Their is an uncanny physical and personality resemblance. Dad was a rolling stone who was working on fishing schooners traveling from the Southern California coast to Hawaiā€™i by the age of eighteen. He was a sea-cowboy in that face...

Strengthening Dad in their Eyes: Stronger Dad's lead to Stronger Mom's leading to Stronger Families

  Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. C.S Lewis Father's who make it a general habit to discuss and show their kids the importance of how they deal with setbacks as well as triumphs provide invaluable life skills teaching for their kids with tremendous long-term benefits that last a lifetime. You can start talking to them about how to deal with life's daily events when they are infants. This post is about making Daddy's stronger because I see America rapidly becoming a Father-less society. I am a Dad of three children, and I want to strengthen Daddy's role in the family and help put him in his rightful place. May this be so in such a way that honors the wife, and her place as the Mother of the family. May his strengthening be complimentary to the wife, and by doing so, complimentary to the husband too, and eventually the children. Dear Dad's Consider that your face time with your kids is leveraged being that you are out most of the ...

The Family Unit Under Attack-The importance of Dad

In today's society, it is my opinion that the cohesiveness, the unity of the traditional family is being threatened by outside competing interests. The family time together loses out routinely to members watching tv, socializing on the computer, talking on the phone, playing video games, overwork, partying, etc. Father figures who make great efforts to be present more often are needed. Boundaries and parameters need to be drawn by which children are shown right ways of living from wrong ways of living. It is always good to monitor the state of your connection to the family, if your a Father. Aside from being the traditional bread winner, how do you contribute to the family cohesiveness? Caring Fathers who work with mothers as a team are actively role modeling the very duties the children will hopefully one day do. Likewise, Fathers who make extra efforts to work issues and problems out in a way that is loving, caring, and not demeaning teach their kids the value of not ...