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Showing posts with the label socia entrepreneurship

The 21st Century Intellectual Laborer / #education #TeamUSA #civicduty #entrepreneurship #publicschools @BetsyDeVos

Thinking outside the box   is a term widely-used to describe the action of bringing in new thinking to solve a present challenge. It involves mental flexibility to shift between mental models, or perspectives, allowing one or a whole team to ā€˜seeā€™ different possible routes to problem-solving through to task completion. In this manner, the individual or team allows themselves the liberty to ā€˜step outside the boxā€™ of established patterns of problem-solving and bring in a strategy, methods and momentum to break through for the ā€˜win.ā€™   In the case of our public school systems, it has been found that a great many of them across the United States of America struggle to create students who are ready to be part of the twenty first century work force. Many grow up without a concrete vision of what they can become, who they can be or how far they can go. Without a strong vision and belief that they are capable in reaching great peaks, complacency enters their minds and hea...