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Showing posts with the label radio

Guarding Your #Children's Hearts & Minds in Age of Rampant #Liberalism

Guarding your children's hearts and minds in an age of rampant liberalism requires a parent's complete set of executive function skills. The molding and compacting of daily images, sounds, and metacognitive impressions far surpass that which they receive from their parents.. or single-parents. Almost every single, if not all executive function skills can be modeled by a parent just being a parent. The ability to self-regulate, self-monitor, modulate behavior, inhibit response, focus, sustain attention, exercise mental flexibility, and have goal-directed persistence are like fields of corn that are are either harvested by parents, or left 'fallow' (uncultivated). Left to the mercy of modern western culture, children's ability to control impulses, control their emotion, or plan ahead for the short and long term are left to such well-known 'combine harvesters,' as, television and movies, sexualized billboards on the roads and highways, and a great deal of unfil...