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Showing posts with the label economy

It Was The Individual Liberty That Made Us Great / #geoeconomics #education #SonsOfFreedom

American geoeconomics pivoting to effect a better trade stance with China is an entirely reasonable monetary rebalancing, given the decades long reality of a market relationship wherein most of the transacted goods initiate with them, being sold to us, with far less of our more costly goods finding their ways on to their land. Their over one billion residents, as a whole, simply do not have the individual monetary spending power that the average American citizen employs, and with labor costs greatly connected to the average cost of living, China can exact a profit of its goods sold to us as it maintains a low labor cost. Due to lack of such labor-protective actualities in China, such as labor unions and a democratic reality allowing Chinese citizens to have power over their government, therein being empowered advocates over their economic livelihoods, the average factory working Chinese laborerā€™s return investment on their time and physical energy expenditure can be held to a p...

The Blueprint For The Missing Chapter In Any United States Citizens Manual

Their are two main threads that must join up, both being taught in grade school and onward, in order to render the professional labor work force most needed in the 21st century. Not looking onto local and national governments or international institutions for answers to social and environmental issues, but the individual undertaking of a business enterprise that banks on project-based mission of social good, encapsulates President John F. Kennedyā€™s call to have our thoughts and actions be about what we can do for each other, as opposed to what others, like the government, can do for us. ā€˜Weā€™ are empowered to be the the answer creators we have been waiting for; the role of the government thus becomes more limited in this paradigm mindset, economic management levers rest with the individual according to the tenacity of their work effort and the social worthwhileness of their goals. The First Thread Empathic Capitalism is simply a acute form of describing what could ...

Making The #NewEra Happen / #politicalscience #education #business #community #economy

The determination to focus all of its energy in playing identity politics on the local and national level has continuously depleted any chance of the Democratic Party leadership and its operating cadre of foot soldiers from exercising any kind of moral high ground in shaping the direction of the United States of America. Itā€™s ā€˜resistanceā€™ campaign, bolsters nothing but division amongst American citizens through the use of whisper campaigns, and use of corporate brands, musicians and entertainers on television and films as political mouthpieces. This kind of narrow-minded political gamesmanship relies on codified social media messaging to release directives on who is currently being targeted in the identity politics game they play. Cloak and Dagger Stuff In essence, a battle of ideas devolves into trivial, immature character assassination tactics which have nothing to do with taking on the substantive moral issues of the day, and everything to do with seeking to sideline peopl...

Targeting Income Inequality with #EmpathicCapitalism / #business #SocEnt #economy #WallStreet #parents #teachers

Despite the incredible growth of the American stock market, ā€˜trickle-down economicsā€™ remains a misleading assumption that somehow the gains of the capitalist system will reach people who do not participate in it. It is true, the United States is the most capitalistic nation in the world, and our free market principle supplies our economy with the most unrestrained money-making mechanism clear across the planet. Yet, this is a tale of two cities. One in which capitalists endeavor and hustle; in which self-employed business men and women work towards creating work, creating income and creating opportunity, and one in which the rest of the people work for these, indirectly appreciating the gains of the economic creators. Yes, it happens to be that as capitalistic endeavors scale, employees indirectly benefit from the growth of the company, albeit, in a more limited way than the actual founder and or leader of the company. Now, in order to think like a capitalist, work as on...

Repealing Puerto Ricos 1917 Bond Law / #finance #economy @whitehouse @ricardorosello

Photo by Puerto Rican photographer Fernando Ortiz updated 9/26/17 One hundred years ago they began to be citizens of the United States of America. They have fought in all our wars, even on the front lines defending the very same freedom and liberties, the ideologies and sureties of a way of life prized and coveted by people the world over. Nineteen years prior to gaining citizenship, in the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain lost control over the island, formally known by its indigenous population of TainĆ³ native americans as, BorinquĆ©n. Jutting out of the Caribbean Sea, the smallest of the bigger islands, Puerto Rico has held a primarily geo-military value to the United States, yet it has also served as a cultural crossroads between Latin American culture and the English-speaking America. Much like Istanbul (old Constantinople) in the country of Turkey, Puerto Rico is a modern-day representation of the rich, cultural heritages that flow from the Spanish-conquest legacy, p...