Be a Code Programmer of the Matrix / #beginagain #shift #positivedisruption #changeItUp CoachBill.US
According to Lao Tzu's thirty-fourth lesson, in his oft unknown second book, the Hua Hu Ching, "the character of your existence is determined by the energies to which you connect yourself. If you attach yourself to gross energies - loving this person, hating that clan, rejecting one experience or habitually indulging in another- then you will lead a series of heavy, attached lives. This can go on for a very long and tedious time." Just as it is in coding program into computer chips, the human is coded in varying degrees by everything they think, do, are exposed to, hang out with or watch on the television. It is hard to find the 'middle path' or balance if one has been brought up on a steady information diet since infancy. It can be as if man and woman are at the center of the universe and a factory line of a great number of conveyor belts are constantly feeding him and her impressions, ideas and things. Like a pond, these inputs can positively or ne...