They sprayed bullets indiscriminately. There were people in pain on the floor with blood gushing out. There needs to be a more well-rounded approach to how we maintain the threads that keep this country together. They left the baby with the grandma and decided to take care of business by killing people who belonged to families also. They had a mind and heart set. They had an infant. What will happen to that infant of theirs? If parents were killed in the massacre, how will the surviving families deal with the raising of the children. How can the community help? How can community be ready to help each other when families are ripped apart? This affects everyone and apparently the attacks can happen anywhere. How do we change elements on the ground to change the landscape? Can we meet negative disruption with the wheel of positive disruption? Social entrepreneurship can be love in action when done righ...
For The Good Of The American Family & Individual: Youth, Adults, & Senior Citizens