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Showing posts with the label Mom's

Using the #GrowthMindset as a Family Value / #youth #positivedisruption #community

As we grow up and push towards our goals, whatever they may be, it is easy to get hyper-focused on attaining them. In a family home, bills have to be paid, children's expenses have to be accounted for, and cars need to be maintained.  All this takes energy and consistent effort. For most of us, this entails working hard week in and week out. Everything costs money, except unconditional love these days. In pushing harder to keep ourselves afloat it is not hard for important priorities to take a back seat. The father that has to travel far for work loses out on family time. Children grow day by day and begin to form there understanding of what it is to live a life and how to go about doing so. The parents, for better or for worse, are the models on how to do this. The kids take example and follow suit. Generation after generation patterns are established and entrenched. The legacy of parents comes alive in the youth to a great extent and life repeats itself. However, pattern...

Prioritizing Family Values Daily in Thought & ActionStrengthens #ExecutiveFunction SKills

Due to the often time hectic schedule family members of different ages have during the 'school/ work' week, a family home may appear like a working village with people coming in and going out. Family life can be reduced to a set of fleeting moments if you over schedule your kids in activities, come home from work late routinely, or are home, but busy. If this is happening in your family dynamic, be on guard. Repeat this enough and kids move on a continuum towards indifference, apathy, and resentment. Nobody wants that. The kid certainly doesn't either. It is true that work has to be done, bills have to be paid, meetings have to be kept, and sometimes we have to work late, yet carving out time in our busy schedules to come together as a family is a metric we cannot afford to do without.   Indifference, and later apathy WITH resentment, settle themselves down in any home that does not exercise the constant foresight in heading off this work/family balancing con...