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Showing posts with the label liberty

Pilgrims of Justice & Liberty

The Statue of Liberty (being created in Paris, 1880) ā€œ unbounded confidence I have in your attachment to me, an the dear pledges of our affection .ā€                                                Abigail Adams to John Adams In our humanity, extraordinary times have called upon the hearts and minds of ordinary people to shine out of necessity for others. Is it the providence of God for human kind; his love and mercy to raise up champions as lights shining in the darkness; delivering a multitude from bondage into safety? These champions distinguished themselves in action that sets them apart. They have not been mere place holders holding a position or a standard. All of these faced opposition of some sort in striking ways; their works ultimately toppling what was before, bringing in a new standard during a time of distress; shaping once ...

Hindering The Rise of Critically Thinking Patriots / Strengthening the Rise of Critically Thinking Patriots / #theFreedomPapers #USA #education

Critical thinkers, anchored in the original foundation of the American spirit of liberty and justice, can arrive on the scene from anywhere. We are, in our best moments, the protectors and creators of freedom and liberty. The rise of non-tribal, critical thinkers is the subject of much anticipation amongst established political forces with leftist inclinations. Meeting them before they are born, an intricate system of    soft oppression based on special interests, lays the groundwork that steers, molds, channels, and re-directs human thinking and aspirations for those fortunate enough to escape human abortion from the womb. What is more, an array of injections carrying heavy metals and brain-damaging, carcinogenic ingredients, are given to American citizens which slow down brain function, and debilitate a humanā€™s neurological prowess causing us to lose the ability to speak, move, write a sentence, or in the most extreme, yet altogether common, the loss of critically thi...

The Strength of the Executive Office /#theFreedomPapers #criticalthinking #leadership

ā€œYet knowing how way leads on to way..ā€ Robert Frost At the onset of the first tenure, after he had slugged it out through storms of snow, storms of rain and wind, storms of bullets and blood, storms of death, of victory, of defeat, of no provisions, of untrained men, of the uncertainty that comes with facing the most formidable army the world had at that time, George Washington was dealt a final battle of temptation. There is a myth that after all he had co-fought as he led the Continental Army to crush the British Red Coats, Washington was asked if he wanted to be Kingā€¦to be The King of America. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. If this myth be true, knowing how way leads on to way, could it be that General George Washington foresaw that power had to rest in the people, less the future of America repeat the ravages and unfair plight it eventually began to experience as an extension to an unfair monarchy? The Continental Congress, as it seems, led on with the energy and passion of John Adams, st...

The Power of the Critical Thinker / #theFreedomPapers #education #liberty

Are the mindsets we hold created by the information within us, through our experiences, and finally, by the ideological positions we take? How did we arrive at these positions and conclusions? How did we arrive at these heartsets? Can different ā€˜balances of mindā€™ come into being according to the changing dynamics of our daily thoughts and actions, our exposure to the minds of others, and our ability to focus consistently? Is the balance of the mind shaped by the mindsets we employ? How do we generate a mindset that leads to being and feeling free to achieve any worthwhile goal we desire to achieve? How do subsequent new generations find the clear path to use their minds in ways not generally seen? Can becoming critical thinkers lead to a people who are more fair and just? Can critical thinking development create the ground conditions that can upright a society? Ideally, it could. But it is not generally taught to us to support the rise of open-minded, critical th...

Let Freedom Ring: The Rise of the Critical Thinker / #theFreedomPapers #politics #edchat #USA

A clinical teacher is both entrepreneurial and ā€˜doctor-likeā€™ in mindset. They are like engineers of instruction, melding the hospitality of creating atmospheres with the sensitivity of heart surgeons. Seeking to change and improve their teaching approach is part of an organic process, as they collect constructive feedback from those taught. Their professional sagacity is not in identifying the best instructional manner, but in morphing according to the necessities of the students, like water taking the shape of its enclosure. So it is, a clinical teacher prioritizes the mindfulness of ā€˜listeningā€™ to words, actions, and feelings, as much as environmental factors such as, student ambiance, teaching location, acoustics, number of learners, and the size of the teaching space, which regulate the teaching/ learning experience. ..................... Taking preliminary parameters into account, a clinical teacher moves between levels, ascertaining constant ā€˜systems checkā€™ on the t...

The Critical Thinker Upholds The Perfect Law of Liberty / #positivedisruption #empathy #TeamUSA

In the best of moments, so many of us come together under an ideology that literally makes us as if one family. Bonded through ideas and the history of all that we have accomplished in order to see that idea upheld. In the worst of moments, some of us devolve into hate and vitriol, violence and unreasonableness. Those who have been allowed great position to amplify voice, reason and thought seem to misstep, appearing to fan the flames of animosity, brazenly showing that they are steered by single-minded people and agenda-focused entities bent on upturning the very liberties, freedoms and common thoughts which have glued us together, in spite of all our faults. America is not some failed experiment. America is not an impossible dream, but a real dream. It is a waterfall of dreams coming into reality every second. The waterfall itself upheld by a core mass of collected thought that does rest on the Judeo-Christian concept of the perfect biblical law of liberty. An intracta...

The Freedom Essays; Number 3: Maintaining Critical Thinking Safeguards Freedom & Liberty / #TeamUSA #America #family #edchat

In not raising generations of critical thinkers we do a disservice to the principles on which the United States of America was founded upon. The ability to think objectively, without bias and in a goal-directed manner supports the threads of freedom and liberty and is a service to our country, specifically to the ideals that our founding fathers championed and established. In not raising generations of children, men and women to think independently for themselves, we run the risk of creating like-minded spheres of political influence at risk of being overrun by singular political forces. Without independent critical thinkers who can recognize the powerful value to society in their practice of advocacy, we then become a nation of followers resting our minds while giving our hearts to a select ā€˜eliteā€™ political class of individuals focused on achieving and sustaining power. It is in such ways that freedom dies not in battlefields of war where our soldiers gallantly serve on t...