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Showing posts with the label dr. Joseph mercola

Almost all Vaccines made in China w/ No Supervision

Coach Bill's word play on above picture of a Foxcon vaccine worker in China. "Yes, I make vaccines for the US. I get paid crap, I hate my job. I come to work sick because I will get fired if I don't. Don't get all uppity on clean vaccines. I can't even put enough food in the fridge. Wait! I don't have a fridge." The Center for Disease Control posts on its website that vaccines have formaldehyde, mercury (thimerasol), barium, strontium, cancer adyuvants, aluminum metal. In addition, sometimes vaccine makers include dead cellullar material from other dead aborted humans. This is publicly available information that is easily found by multiple credible sources, such as Dr. Russell Blaylock, Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola, as well as United States court records whereby courts have ruled almost 100 times over and over again that vaccines have lead to autism. China makes almost all vaccines in the world. Vaccine Inspectors are never allowed to en...