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Showing posts with the label film

Honoring Jack / @JackNicholsonHQ #legends #art #film #thisAmericanQuilt

ā€œWell, Iā€™m not going to sit here and pretend that I havenā€™t been a rogue most of my life.ā€ -Jack Nicholson The professor had as view various classic films spanning the twentieth century. I was thrilled that we could watch movies in class, much more, great movies like ā€˜Easy Rider,ā€™ starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. Great work by the director and actors, but Nicholson took the prize. He portrayed his character as an outsider who seemed out of sorts with the time and culture he lived in, yet remarkably secure in his own skin. Such has been a part of the legacy of legendary American actor, Jack Nicholson. His work across sixty decades are a tremendous tour de force for the American culture and the world itself.  I honor Mr. Nicholson today in this essay for his contribution to our culture and collective sense of self. To those who have appreciated his work, he holds a place within us that can be easily reached. Mr. Nicholson did not go into...

Jenny From The Bronx / @JLO #indomitableWill #selfmade #women #music #art #selfexpression

I just met Ricardo (that's not him in the photo:), my elderly neighbor, an American who was born and raised in Argentina.  Ricardoā€™s story is a very American story filled with hope, vision and tremendous optimism. I know the story well. It is one shared by many immigrants who come to our shores for a chance at a better life in the ā€˜land of opportunity.ā€™ The guy left with one dollar from his home country in his early twenties. On the way over, in the airplane, three quarters of his money fell out from his pocket leaving him with only 25% of the dollar he started with. It was enough. Upon reaching JFK airport with one suitcase in hand he found out that he could take the bus for a quarter all the way into Manhattan. He didnā€™t need to go all the way though. The guy was happy just to be in America and got off in Queens with his suit on and began to walk the sidewalk. Before he knew it, an old man patted him on the back and eventually took him to a bar where he found out that 1...

#DavidBowie: Master of Self-Expression / #trailblazer #music #art #film #father

Much can be said about David Bowie's music, fashion and entrance into popular culture. The 'Thin White Duke' was a game changer in Western culture. His appearance gave license to millions to literally change music, artistic perspective and fashion over night which, alongside other forces of his time, led to a new day in how we express ourselves. His rise in stardom at a time in history that was plagued with civil right growing pains also helped cement a new pattern for youth and music allowing for a 'breakaway' from old social norms and societal balances. Mr. Bowie was very different from The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. It is as if he had no handlers and his metamorphosis as an artist sped past the ability of the 'old establishment' to make sense of it. In essence, David Bowie achieved 'breakaway velocity.' It was hard to categorize him or his music at the time. Personally, my first introduction to Mr. David Bowie was through the children...