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Showing posts with the label Palestine

Five Dimensional Chess: Understanding The Players, Their Objectives & The Requirements For Peace in the Middle East / #Israel #Palestine #strategy #criticalthinking

Part 1 -Understanding the Chess Players and Current Positions on the Game Board In chess, moving one singular piece forward without tactical backup, defense or collaboration can many a times spell the capture of that piece and signal futility in moves made to the advantage of an opponent who may be more judicious in how they ā€˜open upā€™ and establish their strategy. Their in, oneā€™s ability to create the outcome for victory can be sidelined in the short-term and narrow interest of simply galavanting across the board towards a skillful adversary. In the interplay of international relations, such as those between Israel and Palestine, it could be said that the chess board and number of pieces, even the number of players, have greatly expanded to become nothing less than a five dimensional game kept in stagnant check. Each side unwilling to forfeit the possibility of position, which can imply a loss of physical territory, loss of the political power of specific managing players, and ...

ā€˜Hello Brother, hello sisterā€™ / #Israel #Palestine #Jerusalem #politicalscience #positivedisruption

Recently, the President of the United States of America formally acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was a decision mainly met with contention from leaders in the Islamic world, and good tidings from Israel itself. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish-state, staunch allies of the American government with deep cultural ties with the American Judeo-Christian culture, have marked the occasion of American recognition of Jerusalem with a joy that has been long in anticipation. In this essay, I briefly expand on the human rights component of the contending issue between Palestine and Israel, and on a wider lens, the use of Palestine by internal and external powers as a proxy to militarily fight the Jewish homeland, destabilize the safety of the region, and in effect create an uneasy status quo of constant existential threats. This middle-eastern city has historically been a staging ground of battle for thousands of years between Jewish, Chr...

Positive Disruption in the Holy Land / #OurHumanityByTheWayside #socialresponsibility #skateboarding @Israel @Palestine

Like in the United States, most individuals and families seek healthy opportunities to further their education and well-being, if given the chance. Invariably, there will always be elements looking to destabilize peace and a Palestine State coexisting peacefully with an Israeli state. Would country families in the rural regions of Israel and Palestine consider taking a part in a mega-skatepark initiative with routine skateboarding contests involving both Palestinian and Israeli family youth? These parks could dot the land complete with skateboarding schools that are inclusive of both nationalities. Building them within Palestine and Israel is important, as is building the largest skateparks between heavy tension points, including in and around Jerusalem and rural lands that are contested. Done quickly and magnanimously enough, the simple action of building these and sustaining the vision of why they are being built, would cause a ā€˜brothers keeperā€™ effect, dir...

We Are Not Enemies, But Friends / @israel @epiclypaslestined @un @whitehouse

Palestinian skateboarders message Israel A mindset of living side by side in peace. Should we keep fighting world without end? Tit for tat, around and around we go The youth skateboard here and there They keep moving forward They waste no time in ideological positions The bombs, they do burst The communities, they do become destroyed Tranquility settles in for a while the rumble of skateboards begins again In such soft ways  does liberty and freedom take hold, move and grow In such manner is the life of people reborn ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. The United Nations, in essence, can be a place where countries communicate with each other on a diplomatic, global level.  How do different peoples practice living side by side with each other when their political views are in stark opposition?  What are the actual available neutral venues for such people coming together in a peaceable way? It is a silly thing, skateboarding. A quiet sport...

#Palestina - Dancing Justice into the Heart, Into the Mind / #positivedisruption #commnunity #MiddleEast #thisHumanQuilt

What is to be said and done to a people bereft of land and opportunity? Historically despised by many. Bottom of the barrel. Off-scouring. Fighters. Pushed around. What is to be said of a small people whom are typified as barbarians, rock throwers, harbingers of terrorism, rebel-rousers, aggressors, non-conformists, hijackers, an implacable people? Palestina. Palestine.  There are always two sides to a coin. In Gaza, what amounts to a high-tech security prison, nutritional and caloric intake is reduced purposefully for the whole population. This means that there is not enough healthy food apportioned to each Palestinian to grow strong, ruddy and vibrant. Neurological and physical health is dealt a heavy blow. According to established water authorities within Gaza, ninety percent of the potable drinking water is contaminated and not fit for drinking. Infrastructure that deals with water safety and its distribution was bombed out long ago and peters forward. The wo...