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Showing posts with the label scent

Creating Markets In Delegating to #SocEnt Critical Thinkers to Solve Environmental Challenges / #edchat #socialresponsibility

e As a possibility in side-stepping the debate on global warming, middle ground can be found in agreeing on concrete actions to be excellent caretakers of our land. Future environmental agreements that enter the United States of America with other countries into environmental pacts can reach greater consensus when the focus is shifted from the scientific debate on global warming to actionable decisions that lead to a cleaner environment.  This pathway creates the atmosphere necessary for bringing together opposing congressional views in Washington D.C. on environmental health and how to best address the support and actions needed to take care of the land. This kind of alternative asks that genuine agreement be found in actionable steps that lead to cleaner rivers, lakes, oceans and land. Focus on action, rather than on debate takes a great amount of initial politics out as an initial challenge to expediting practical solutions in place. Support of social entrepre...

Can a #SocEnt Cloud Platform Raise Americas Game? / Increasing The Current of #SocialResponsibility

Steve Jobs Could a company like Apple see the global need to use our imaginations to empower the individual social entrepreneur with practical technology to run their enterprise? Can it warehouse this technology in one place? Time and money are important components to any kind of entrepreneur and bringing in accommodations and modifications to how work is conducted is always entertained. Can a social entrepreneur cloud platform be created to this end? Would industries and individuals see the relevancy in helping generations of people who want to be socially responsible make a living using such a platform to achieve their community goals? Building people up with education so that they can compete for the jobs of tomorrow sounds great, but how about we create the  environment to build people up with education and access to tools that can create the jobs of tomorrow? Does integrating social good with business a creates social entrepreneurship dynamic which ultimately benefi...

How do we meet apathy and positively disrupt is as whole country? / #socialentrepreneurship #socent #America #empathy #positivedisruption

Is social entrepreneurship a giant key to opening up new energies for the United States of America? Could it be a collective answer by the country to respond to many of the disheartening events and circumstances that have become a part of the American experience? How do we answer the rise of mass-murder tragedies?  Do we not have to meet apathy with empathy at some point? How do you impact the culture to cause a small, yet seismic shift in focus? We Work Together Something close to the answer of those questions is integrating revolutionary thought with capitalistic principles. Some call these kinds of people unstoppable in pursuing the empowerment of others on an individual and group-level. Younger generations are motivated to serve their local, national and even global communities in creative ways that make life better for individuals. Social Entrepreneurs, or self-employed individuals whoā€™s missions are aimed at alleviating or rectifying the pligh...

Where the Rubber Meets the Road / #socialentrepreneurship #publicschools #newday #economy #positivedisruption

Should social entrepreneurship be practiced in grade school?  Can this passionate occupation bolster local economies and tone the vibrancy of what it means to have a cohesive community? Understandably, not everyone wants to be entrepreneurial or may be fit to be an entrepreneur. It is a constant hustle with no one to tell you to move faster, slower or more precisely. There is no glamour in failing constantly and there is no one to pat you on the back when you succeed. But when the entrepreneur turns the focus on strengthening the fabric of their community the future begins to include a great number of people who's hearts are moved to direct their own shoulders to the plow. Caring for others can become dynamic and unique. No large corporation has cornered the market on what it means to be a social entrepreneur. The wonderful aspect of this practice is that our own individuality can shine through our work to help others raise their quality of living.  The social entrep...