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Showing posts with the label U.S. Armed Forces

The Freedom Essays; Number 3: Maintaining Critical Thinking Safeguards Freedom & Liberty / #TeamUSA #America #family #edchat

In not raising generations of critical thinkers we do a disservice to the principles on which the United States of America was founded upon. The ability to think objectively, without bias and in a goal-directed manner supports the threads of freedom and liberty and is a service to our country, specifically to the ideals that our founding fathers championed and established. In not raising generations of children, men and women to think independently for themselves, we run the risk of creating like-minded spheres of political influence at risk of being overrun by singular political forces. Without independent critical thinkers who can recognize the powerful value to society in their practice of advocacy, we then become a nation of followers resting our minds while giving our hearts to a select ā€˜eliteā€™ political class of individuals focused on achieving and sustaining power. It is in such ways that freedom dies not in battlefields of war where our soldiers gallantly serve on t...

Let Man Be Man, let the Dude be #TheDude / @clinteastwood #fatherhood #manhood #God

ā€œ..the glory of children are their fathers.ā€ Proverbs 17:6b Holy Bible KJV Growing up I was a big Clint Eastwood fan. Mr. Eastwood looked just like my late-father and the roles Clint played on the silver screen my own father, in many ways, lived in real life. Dad was a 101st Airborne Ranger, a Screaming Eagle in the U.S. Army. Dad was also a U.S. Marine Corps soldier who went into Korea as part of an elite expeditionary force before the formal start of the war. Dad was the darling of the generals and was the intermediary between them and the rest of the ā€˜brassā€™ at the height of his military career. In many ways, though I did not serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, growing up with my father felt like I did. Dad was both tough and loving, disciplined and nurturing to my sisters and I. A manā€™s man. A dudeā€™s dude. Mr. Eastwood is well-known for his fatherhood and his acting roles as being tougher-than-nails, a champion of justice and righteousness, a protector of America...

America's Real Strength / #VietnamWar #ThisAmericanQuilt #EPluribusUnum #OneNationUnderGod

The mind and heart are not made to live in extremes, but thrives in the middle of everything. Fifty years ago young American men and women, mostly of low-income and middle-class families were sent out to fight half-way across the globe to fight the spread of the forces of communism in Vietnam. In the aftermath,  thousands of our men paid the ultimate price with their lives. Many movies and plenty of historical analyses has come about from the 'Vietnam War' mulling over why the U.S. went in, if they should have gone in, why we stayed so long and what lessons could be learned from the entire experience. Almost sixty thousand U.S. soldiers are on record with having died in the war. Another seventy-five thousand were severely disabled and twenty five thousand were completely disabled. The total casualties of war, including civilian deaths a nd spanning beyond the American entrance and exit into the war totals between 3.1 and 3.9 million deaths, according to some estimat...