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Showing posts with the label gun control laws

Addressing #GunControl from a Peculiar Angle / #positivedisruption #executiveFUNction #skateboarding #movementtherapy

Having the right to bear arms is a constitutional right and an important one. Dad owned a 357 Magnum and a PPK Walter which I got to fire both with him at a shooting range once under strict oversight by him. The blowback on a 357 Magnum is powerful. It is scary. He always put them back in a lockbox with the bullets unloaded and hid it far away from our reach. A gun is quite a weapon. The use of it can and does bring a finality to things. Dad always took care to emphasize the level of safety and responsibility to have with a gun. He was well acquainted with weapons, having been part of special force units for the U.S. Marines and the U.S. Army., as a 101st Airborne Ranger. He parachuted into over 300 countries as a paratrooper. His learning and experience qualified him to handle weapons. Again, having the right to bear arms is a constitutional right and an important one. But should their be a better vetting process for the purchase of guns and large weaponry, like machine gu...

Our #SocialResponsibility to #Police Officer #RandolphHolder / #UnconditionalLove #guncontrol #community #socialgood

Unconditional love keeps its strength in the face of hopelessness It wonā€™t let itself be bought It wonā€™t let itself be sold Real power comes not in material possessions.  Real power is not measured by the size of a bank account. It does not emanate from some geographic location.  It is not found in the power of the gun, or the fist.  Real power emanates from hearts that love unconditionally. This kind of power is very real and present. Some of it keeps communities safe and sound. It keeps families calm knowing that this power does not go to sleep. It is on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, year after year, without rest. The hearts that pump this love forward work relentless hours. Always on-call. Ready at a momentā€™s notice to answer the call of duty. Some of us honor them. Some of us judge them. Some of us donā€™t care about them. But all of us are taken care of by them. These hearts belong to heroā€™s. They have names. One of them...