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Showing posts with the label all pistons firing for each other

"Love Recognizes No Barriers" #socialresponsibility #positivedisruption #community #earth #awareness #allpistonsfiring

edited 11/18/15 ;) My graduate degree is in Special Education, my bachelorā€™s degree is in Political Science.  As an entrepreneur educator, delivering practical, natural solutions that empowers a student or group of students is in my best interest as a performance-based teacher. Amongst other things, this means creating or putting forth natural, rapid and practical interventions that not only address topical, surface concerns, but reach the crux of the matter. This strategy is the lifeblood of my coaching work. Why so? Well, delivering stellar results in breathtaking speed is what good business is all about. As I go about in completing my business plan to start my first non-profit organization called ā€˜Just Life Skills,ā€™ I have outlined my mission statement in such way that it transcends my work as a clinical educator and allows for a plentitude of projects which I have in mind to be fomented and funded. These include my work with children and adults on the autism spectru...