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Showing posts with the label School of Executive Function Skills and Entrepreneurship

Have a Dream,Tell a Dream, Do a #Dream

You can't stop a fella' who has a dream. I have a dream, and I will tell you a dream, and I am doing my dream. My dream serves many purposes and it is my desire to please God. In my dream, I rapidly raise the quality of life of children and adults with autism, ADHD, and executive function skill deficits. In my dream, I use creative and innovative approaches to make what was once thought impossible...possible. In my dream, I teach kids with autism to be acclimated to living outside their comfort zone. In my dream, I work with kids, teenagers and parents at the poverty level to rapidly develop their executive function skills through the context of customized entrepreneurship. In my dream, I am a servant-leader empowering others to be servant-leaders who give back to their community. In my dream, I am a small light that brings hope into hearts, and I watch that light go from heart to heart. I have a dream. I dream that families who think they are destitute see that their is hope a...