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Showing posts with the label family

Emphatic In His Determination/ A Champion Of Liberty / He Reaches The King

  To the heart of John Adams goes grace for his selfless sacrifice of a personal life,  that he may readily apply his intellect and passion in good service for the American people his time,  and the practical, useful legacy of his work forward unto all generations.  Unto him who was the lion for liberty and justice in the Continental Congress, who held steadfast to being and doing good for his country, goes the gift of a peaceful mind.  John Adams; emphatic in his determination to establish a government that would withstand the test of time, political change, and worldly pressures; with understanding of the foundational epocha, of the ā€˜gravitasā€™ he was a player in, goes peace of mind. ā€œI made the three Reverences, one at the Door, another about half Way and the third before the Presence, according to the Usage established at this and all the northern Courts of Europe, and then addressā€™d myself to his Majesty..ā€ ā€œI must avow to your Majesty, I h...

The Original Spirit & Intent of Liberty: To Protect Us That We Be Happy (Chapter 4)

  ā€œThe care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government.ā€   Thomas Jefferson, 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809; Frederick Douglass would be born in 1818, and John Quincy Adams was 42 when Thomas Jefferson said as much in his old age. Our first Secretary of State and third American president, a slaveholder himself, saw that the institution of slavery would be like an anvil annihilating the original spirit of liberty and intent of the generation of thought leaders of 1776. The ability for the new country to find true peace, unalloyed joy, and prosperity in its soul, that its people be happy and at peace, and also that because of that vigilant conscience of what shared values we must hold close to our hearts and minds, our global leadership become a true light of liberty for the world. Is it in the knowledge and understanding of our prioritization of what is most important to us that our values becom...

Critical Thinkers Address The Provincialism of 'Popular Sovereignty'

      And so as a national community, we do not have the peace of mind & heart that should be and we donā€™t have momentum as it should be on making America a more perfect union because the passion to do so ebbs and flows only in so much as individual application of defending liberty occurs,  both, in the lesser and greater matters of caring for community  As it was since the time of the Revolutionary War and that generation of 1776, the dismissal of a vibrant awareness of the principle factor of the right to life has continued to anchor our humanity in elementary harbors of narrow-mindedness. It was in the American colonist call of ā€œno taxation, without representationā€ in what was then the English Commons of America, that legal ā€˜jurisprudenceā€™ was established amongst chosen, good, and upright representatives of the united colonies, to determine legal claim unto the natural right of man to live safely within a community that establishes a system of law...

The Throne Was Taken / The Emasculation of Man #theFreedomPapers

ā€œAs thou knows not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.ā€ Ecclesiastes 11:5  ā€œ And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:ā€ Luke 1:41 Are not the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights derived from a foundation in the Judeo-Christian holy scripture? Does not the abortion industry place itself as the standard of international morality, seating itself as if it were the God of family? Central to the corporate abortion industry taking this position is that the women has what has been called ā€˜reproductive rights.ā€™ The womanā€™s rights suffragist movement of the 19th and 20th century was co-opted and craftily displaced by a eugenics movement that found strong footing in the 1920s. From this vantage point, the eugenicist be...