Using the #GrowthMindset as a Family Value / #youth #positivedisruption #community Posted by Unknown on March 12, 2016 community Dad's energy growth mindset Mom's nurturing parenting + youth community Dad's energy growth mindset Mom's nurturing parenting youth
'El Capitan' Serves the Crew / #nurture #heartset #sailing #leadership #leadfromtheheart Posted by Unknown on November 16, 2015 capitan captain community consistency crew empathic +9 goal-directed grit heart set leader leadership leading from within mindset nurturing persistence purpose sailing seas social responsibility vision capitan captain community consistency crew empathic goal-directed grit heart set leader leadership leading from within mindset nurturing persistence purpose sailing seas social responsibility vision
The Nurturing Effect: How I blew the hinges off the door! Posted by @CoachBill007 on December 05, 2012 ADHD autism bruce lee education executive function skills nel noddings nurturing + pedagogy ADHD autism bruce lee education executive function skills nel noddings nurturing pedagogy