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Showing posts with the label CSR

#WallStreet & Corporate #SocialResponsibility / #CSR #business #community #America

(updated 12/22/15) Behaving as if all that matters is profit, as if we are on our own, an island, let me get mine and you get yours, that this is a race of some kind were money is king and lord over our hearts and minds.  That is a sorry life. A sad life straight out of William Randolph Hearstā€™s life as portrayed in Orson Wellesā€™s classic masterpiece film, ā€˜Citizen Kane.ā€™  In a world beholden to growth through monetary profit, as it is for all companies on the stock markets of the world, what messages do we send each other and the community when we make money lord over common sense? How much money is enough? How much financial security shall we shore up for ourselves? This post is not about taking from the rich and giving to the poor. It is about how we conduct ourselves in relation to others. It is about what we allow to drive us as we seek to live life. Do these ā€˜driversā€™ benefit our hearts and minds, do they benefit the community? Are we not free to live our ...