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Showing posts with the label Dad's

When Parents have to Fight to Be Parents / #family #community #doingtherightthing #justice

It is possible for one or a group to be so focused on a desired goal that they will begin to relax their convictions on how to go about achieving those aims. Formalities are dropped and insincerity takes hold in situations like this. It becomes necessary to do so once one's principles are put aside and an aim becomes an overarching imperative. Sometimes it is possible that the one or the group bypasses common decency and blinds themselves to good principles. However, it is my experience that achieving great feats is never permanent when one's principles are put by the wayside. In that same fashion, it is quite common to subscribe to bias and unproductive alliances in order to maintain a status quo that is not in line with what is right and good. For a time, this strategy may seem to be victorious in the eyes of the one or that group who have suspended their principles in search of a desired goal or upholding of a desired status quo. History shows that doing the wrong thi...

Using the #GrowthMindset as a Family Value / #youth #positivedisruption #community

As we grow up and push towards our goals, whatever they may be, it is easy to get hyper-focused on attaining them. In a family home, bills have to be paid, children's expenses have to be accounted for, and cars need to be maintained.  All this takes energy and consistent effort. For most of us, this entails working hard week in and week out. Everything costs money, except unconditional love these days. In pushing harder to keep ourselves afloat it is not hard for important priorities to take a back seat. The father that has to travel far for work loses out on family time. Children grow day by day and begin to form there understanding of what it is to live a life and how to go about doing so. The parents, for better or for worse, are the models on how to do this. The kids take example and follow suit. Generation after generation patterns are established and entrenched. The legacy of parents comes alive in the youth to a great extent and life repeats itself. However, pattern...

Super Mom's: Mothers are the new Dad's. / #thisAmericanQuilt #family

In an ideal family situation, children benefit from being raised by both of their parents. In many family homes though were the biological parents of a child are still together, the feeling of raising children as single-parents seems to be very prevalent. The traditional family set-up has the father going out to earn an income while the mother has the full-time job of raising the children and managing the home. This is the way it is for many families.  How does this impact the childhood of the children?  When these children grow up and start families of their own how do they manage their own role in shepherding their own families?  How do the children view the role of the mother who plays both parents in the absence of dad? What did the grown-up children learn to value (and not value) from the example of the parents? Is it alright for a parent to never be home because they must work all the time?  As you can imagine, this is not an easy topic to...

What makes #Galileo #HotterThanFireForOthers? / What makes #Galileo #HotterThanFireForOthers? / #positivedisruption #entrepreneur #science #engineering #technology

Coach Galileo Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a Dad, a scientist, an engineer, an entrepreneur, coach of the community and the founder of modern astronomy. In Galileo's time, captains of ships had begun to adventure forth in exploration of the entire Earth and the first settlement in America was established (May 1607) by the Virginia Company of London as 'Jamestown.' As a Dad, he was especially loved by his children who were very close to him throughout his life. His son Vicenzo acted as a scribe in his blind fathers old age and his two daughters were devoted to him. It was Galileo who  established the application of the refracting telescope as a means to confirm that, indeed, Earth and the local planets revolved around the sun. His study of comets, the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus and the establishment of 'longitude' as a concrete understanding made verifiable by the invention of his new product, a military compass. Virginia, one of Dad's p...

Prioritizing Family Values Daily in Thought & ActionStrengthens #ExecutiveFunction SKills

Due to the often time hectic schedule family members of different ages have during the 'school/ work' week, a family home may appear like a working village with people coming in and going out. Family life can be reduced to a set of fleeting moments if you over schedule your kids in activities, come home from work late routinely, or are home, but busy. If this is happening in your family dynamic, be on guard. Repeat this enough and kids move on a continuum towards indifference, apathy, and resentment. Nobody wants that. The kid certainly doesn't either. It is true that work has to be done, bills have to be paid, meetings have to be kept, and sometimes we have to work late, yet carving out time in our busy schedules to come together as a family is a metric we cannot afford to do without.   Indifference, and later apathy WITH resentment, settle themselves down in any home that does not exercise the constant foresight in heading off this work/family balancing con...