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Showing posts with the label empathic capitalism

The Blueprint For The Missing Chapter In Any United States Citizens Manual

Their are two main threads that must join up, both being taught in grade school and onward, in order to render the professional labor work force most needed in the 21st century. Not looking onto local and national governments or international institutions for answers to social and environmental issues, but the individual undertaking of a business enterprise that banks on project-based mission of social good, encapsulates President John F. Kennedyā€™s call to have our thoughts and actions be about what we can do for each other, as opposed to what others, like the government, can do for us. ā€˜Weā€™ are empowered to be the the answer creators we have been waiting for; the role of the government thus becomes more limited in this paradigm mindset, economic management levers rest with the individual according to the tenacity of their work effort and the social worthwhileness of their goals. The First Thread Empathic Capitalism is simply a acute form of describing what could ...

Four Main Community Priorities in the Realm of Special Needs / #empathiccapitalism #business #specianeeds ScalziOriginals.US

Housing for Adults with Special Needs High-quality at-home/ community 1:1 and Special Educational services for individuals Mentoring services for at-risk youth   Executive function-based Youth Sports programs for youth and adults with special needs operated by qualified special educational professionals Special Needs Housing As of fifty years ago, across the United States of America, including Connecticut and New York, of which the focus is herein, housing for adults with severe special needs was in the form of asylum centers. Since then, awareness in human rights and the rise of special educational services has led to a movement towards state-funded housing and privately-run organizations offering adult-special needs housing. Even so, the waiting list for such housing is constant, and the quality of the housing itself is mid to low-quality in its recreational and residential amenities. It can be aptly put forth that this is a segment of the population that is under...

State of The Union / January 2018 #USA #socialresponsibility #humanrights #economy #education #empathiccapitalism #positivedisruption

Decade after decade, the framing of the priorities of most importance in the United States of America appear to be staggered by the special interests of the campaigning patrons of congressional and presidential leadership. Such vital interests as the economy, health care and security, are three very prescient local and national matters which should be of great concern to all of us, and have remained so. Great successes over the last 12 months in these areas cannot be ignored and must be brought to light. The people and government that make the United States of America have in many respects grown stronger, become more mindful on the local, national and global level and begun to participate more in the movement of choosing the direction in which to continue to steer the country.  As of January 2018, the economy appears to have rebounded with a tremendous growth in credible job employment across the nation and a stock market that has added over 7,000 points since President Dona...

Targeting Income Inequality with #EmpathicCapitalism / #business #SocEnt #economy #WallStreet #parents #teachers

Despite the incredible growth of the American stock market, ā€˜trickle-down economicsā€™ remains a misleading assumption that somehow the gains of the capitalist system will reach people who do not participate in it. It is true, the United States is the most capitalistic nation in the world, and our free market principle supplies our economy with the most unrestrained money-making mechanism clear across the planet. Yet, this is a tale of two cities. One in which capitalists endeavor and hustle; in which self-employed business men and women work towards creating work, creating income and creating opportunity, and one in which the rest of the people work for these, indirectly appreciating the gains of the economic creators. Yes, it happens to be that as capitalistic endeavors scale, employees indirectly benefit from the growth of the company, albeit, in a more limited way than the actual founder and or leader of the company. Now, in order to think like a capitalist, work as on...

#EmpathicCapitalism: A Construct of #Parents & #Educators / #edchat #SocEnt #business

Rome was not built in a day, but it was built with methodical planning over time. The inner cities housing project architecture of the United States though, appear to have been created with no architectural passion. What does the building tell the young child who lives there? What can be done to change this paradigm? These hideous mega apartment constructs seem to be places to pack animals, stacking them ever so high or across large swaths of bleak landscape. One need only to look at Americaā€™s urban city centers to see the teeming mass of people stocked into the prison-like blocks to recognize how our humanity has staggered in its progress. The eloquence of city politicians who pledge to fight for the voiceless begins to sound grating under the decades of nothing happening to change these hellish residences. It is quite obvious that a great concentration of black people on or near the poverty line and largely dependent on welfare live in these. As I think back to when th...