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Showing posts with the label Lord Jesus Christ

ā€œā€¦and David danced before the Lord with all his might..ā€ 2 Samuel 6:14a / #HonoringGod 12/24/17 #God #JesusChrist #poem #remembrance #servantleaders

He does not faint, nor does he weary. His Word does not wane, but shines brighter and brighter to his coming day. I said in retreat, ā€œLord, look what has become of it?!ā€ He pointed me back to all He said. Searching Him, I found Him seeking me. I thought to myself, what is it to be a Christian? Paul said it is a profession, Lila said it was not enough to be a Christian, but to go forth and be an active Christian. Your words became as in the time of Daniel. Inside of me I have kept them. Sharing that which is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb with my children If there be any hope, please Lord, that they may love your Word; that it may guide their heart and mind. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Before he graced us as the express image of God, the Lord Jesus Christ was the delight of His Father, and the apple of His eye. He became a little lower than the host of angels, a created host of ministering spirits sent to minister on Him and His children. Daniel ask...

The Gag Of Intellectualism on Christianity / #religion #politics #drybones

"The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?" Matthew 10:24-25 Truly, in the United States of America, the outspoken Christianā€™s voice has been gagged and silenced in the name of tolerance and coexistence. The words of God as found in the King James version of the old and new testament can be likened to incendiary, revolutionary talk that is anti-establishment. But truth is a lion in the midst of opinions and spun narratives. Truth is not in need of defense and God is not mocked by the watered-down ā€˜corporate-cleanā€™ version of political correctedness that Christianity is allowed to be.  ā€œDonā€™t read the Old Testament!ā€ ā€œForget the book of Revelations!ā€ ā€œDonā€™t stay too long on reading about the crucifixion!ā€ ā€œRest all you want on Ephesians.ā€...

Why Does The Caged Bird Sing? / (Writings of a Free Man) #positivedisruption #freedom

We live in a ā€˜free country,ā€™ but somehow we live lives that can feel as if it is hard to move on out from the stations we find our lives in. This may not apply to all. Some are able to find, nay, create contentment in whatsoever period of their life they be in. These are able to create freedom. To carve it out through their presence which ultimately manifest into action. In this essay, I explore and delineate how we can do just that. Carve and create freedom in whatsoever station of life you may be in. I ask, delve and dive deep under the surface of the waves to simplify how easily we can reach the feeling of freedom and in doing so, be an example unto others to feel and generate this freedom for themselves. These are acts of love and good works unto ourselves and others. We need not be restrained with chains of air, especially when we hold the keys to unleashing and channeling our soul power. When I was young, even as young as five, I noticed that I was an observerā€¦ l...

Individual Advocacy, Political Activism & the Cause of #Liberty / #USA #CivicDuty #BrothersKeeper #PositiveDisruption

As children in America we are raised to believe that we live in a democracy where each voice counts and that the liberties we enjoy are the fruit of a self-aware, outspoken and well-informed people. We are taught that liberty is not free, but has been fought for through all kinds of wars. We are taught that our vote counts and that we can be just about anything we want to be when we grow up. The reality is much different when idealism starts pushing at the hem of reality. There, in that place where ideas begin to manifest themselves into actual reality we begin to experience turbulence from other forces. In this essay, I explore the notion of individual advocacy, political activism and how political forces practice systemic underpinning of individual expression in our country. Further, I question the practicality of subjugating and undermining individual democratic activity as a means to continuously establish the political status quo of a larger group, such as our two majo...

The Willing Shehperd who Stands / #servantleadership #brotherskeeper #sisterskeeper #littlelights

updated 2/15/17 When shepherds cease to do their jobs the sheep do scatter. They know not to stay together, nor have the strength to fight off wolves as one flock.  Moment to moment it is not hard to lead the flock. The test is in endurance. Staying with them and moving at their pace. Sheep are slow and keep their heads down. A shepherd task is to be their additional eyes and ears and to care for them with a willing and able heart knowing that the master looks on the shepherdā€™s way and his management of the flock.  By definition, a shepherd is a constant guide and physician, trained with an eye to watch for intruders, lambs that go astray and lambs that are sick and need tending. Many do purport themselves to be shepherds across the earth and indeed do lead sheep of different sorts.  In the house of the Lord, the guidance and management of lambs has the shepherds walking a fine line, his actions being magnified and creating a shadow of influen...

True Justice Is All-Mighty / #abortion #LionHeart #USA @POTUS #thisAmericanQuilt

Jesus, born to a daughter of God, Mary, of the line of King David had a such an energy effect that his arrival on earth became perfectly timed and synchronized with the hearts of wise men, some would call kings, far east of Israel.  The arrival of his kingdom was heralded for thousands of years. He was announced by the prophets as of from everlasting and timeless, with peace, righteousness, justice and love being his platforms. ā€œBut thou Bethlehem Ephratah. though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. ā€¦And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth. And this man shall be the peace.ā€ Micah 5: 2-5 When shepards heard in the field heard of it they ran to praise the birth, as well. R...