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Showing posts with the label EDUCATIONAL POLICY

You Bring Your Common Core Standard Thinking... I'll bring my A-GAME!

Throughout the United States of America, as far as any school goes, the number one cause of systemic school and student failure is by far the gross lack of direct executive function skill development.  In addition, the ingrained and harvested culture of a 'top-down' merit system leads to teacher discouragement and eventually, a significant continuous brain drain of great Educators, as well as a stifling of presently-employed public school teacher innovation. In fact, many Educators either leave the profession or are  increasingly opting to teach students directly, rather than through the confines of a school's educational policy. I believe that the educational policy culture and mindset that lets Educator AND student innovation thrive is  the one that will offer up the leaders of tomorrow. The traits, hidden talents and flare in human beings cannot flourish in an educational model that values common  standards, over innovation, creativity, and experimentation....