It has begun to appear quite clearly that a long-standing battle for the hearts and minds of American citizens has been operating under the surface of Main Street America for decades. On one side, it appears that a neoliberal, or globalist perspective of the world seeks a steady drip-drop pace to undermine individual human rights in favor of the ideologies of a few powerful entities, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the international consortium of human abortion corporations, social-progressive American entertainment / news media, and what is known as the Bilderberg Group, a conglomerate of the worlds most powerful actors on the world stage. Bilderberg stands in the middle. Their ideologies, philosophies and perspectives on population management deserve to exist, yet their methods of collusion through subliminal and subtle indoctrination delves straight into a kind of massive thievery focused on the management of people, their minds and the hearts. The...
For The Good Of The American Family & Individual: Youth, Adults, & Senior Citizens