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Showing posts with the label humanity

Harmless As Doves, Clever As Snakes / #theFreedomPapers #love #humanity

It has begun to appear quite clearly that a long-standing battle for the hearts and minds of American citizens has been operating under the surface of Main Street America for decades. On one side, it appears that a neoliberal, or globalist perspective of the world seeks a steady drip-drop pace to undermine individual human rights in favor of the ideologies of a few powerful entities, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the international consortium of human abortion corporations, social-progressive American entertainment / news media, and what is known as the Bilderberg Group, a conglomerate of the worlds most powerful actors on the world stage.  Bilderberg stands in the middle. Their ideologies, philosophies and perspectives on population management deserve to exist, yet their methods of collusion through subliminal and subtle indoctrination delves straight into a kind of massive thievery focused on the management of people, their minds and the hearts. The...

Everything Matters / #RaulJulia #MariNodarse #community #risetogether #EpicCommitment #EpicHeart #PuertoRico

Life is so short. When we are young, time seems to move incredibly slow. At school, the clock hand would seem to never make it to snack time for me. Now I look back and see how fast life moves. If we don't stop and enjoy where we are with what we have we miss out on enjoying the moments and people that are in it. Life is precious then. Should we wait for our bank accounts to be just right for ourselves (or for others) before we say that 'we have arrived?' John Lennon said that life is what happens when we are making plans. Sounds easy to understand but in our individual quest to pay our bills and reach the end of the work week our lives unfold and are lived. This is a matter of great importance which I look not to take for granted. Everything matters. Every interaction is important, from the least to the greatest. Our thoughts and actions influence what is to come or not to come. Likewise, a fickle mind (ever-changing) will experience a great degree of stop ...

Sailing Away from Predictability on the Winds of Spontaneity / #servantleadership #theExtraMile #InsideOut #humanity

What is important? What is of value? On the surface, the world with all its happenings and events race by non-stop.  Our need to make money to pay for our living is a constant pull upwards. Weekends roll in and we collectively sigh and reach for a calmer pace. Monday and Tuesday surely come back in and we repeat the cycle. If you like what you do your outlook is easier, but if you are not head over heels passionate for your work the prospect of returning to work may seem arresting. Time flies, weeks go by. Seems like it was last year just yesterday. Everything repeats itself. Those will young children get a new lease on life. The kids are not routinized to the ways of this world and tend to brim with life and joy. I know how it is. I have kids of my own. Still, everyone must work and a predictableness to our lives is constant. Some like this to be the norm. Predictability.  That is fine. Some of us do not. Some of us like order mixed in with spontaneity and adventure....

Going #Airborne for my new friend, Price / #socialresponsibility #aNewDay #MovingFast #BigFish #renegades

Today is Friday, November 12, 2015 ..and what happened that made you change your mind?  and how far did you go to change your heart? and what moved you to let go?  and how is it that you go to sleep?  how do you rise?  and what is it at mid-day that makes you tick?  and how do we tell each other how we feel when we walk by each other? and what makes you turn away? and what makes you not care? and what makes you check out? and what makes us check in? It was slow at first, but I held my stance and gravitation took hold.  Soft and hard polished edges a clear purpose a settled heart and a bed that is made make it easy to make new friendships when the time and space is there.  All my new friends were either sons and fathers. Soon enough I will go up to bat for my new friends. Let the chips fall where they may and may God have our back as we move cautiously forward in the eye of a peculiar hurricane. ...

The #ExecutiveFunction Skills of Being #POTUS / #servant #duty #sacrifice #America

#POTUS, or the President of the United States of America has the most mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing job on earth. It is no wonder that any occupant of the Oval Office comes in bright-eyed and bushy tailed only to leave looking 25 years older by the end of their term. Politics aside, the ability to orchestrate, manage and direct information is not just the definition of executive function skills, but it happens to be the job of the President. It is a tough job, filled with rigor, criticism, and constant attack from all sides, in every way, shape and form. In this post, I explore the storm that encircles what it means to be POTUS in the context of executive function skills. The constant decision making, the demand on the POTUS's foresight, problem solving, behavior modulation, and goal-directed persistence are enough to put one hundred people in the psychiatric ward, and yet POTUS's must do it day in and day out while in the spotlight or in the privacy o...