
The Benefits of Skateboarding & Surfing / #executiveFUNction #autism #downsyndrome, #therapy

#JacaiColson a Quiet Hero for His #Community / Using our #Foresight and #EmotionalIntelligence to Change Our Culture

Giants #LeadFromWithin & Create More #Leaders! / #community #leadership #leadwithgiants #strategy #consensus

Waking the Body & Mind / #coaching #flippedlearning #realworldskills #autism #sk8

#DanceTherapy: An #Autism Intervention #Strategy & Tool #edchat #parents #sped

Self-Empowering our Kids by becoming Parent Executive Function Skill Coaches

Extinguishing the Defiance from the Defiant Child Tonight

Taking Charge of your Families Daily Hormone Flux

Can Playing #Chess, #Meditating, #Horseplay and #Dancing make great kids?

Roughhousing Increases Emotional Intelligence