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Showing posts with the label 1776

The Common Sense of Educating The Whole Person / #criticalthinkers #citizenship #theFreedomPapers

It does not seem to be that being outspoken, non-tribal critical thinkers are valued or rightly understood for what they can offer the local and national community. The established, public school educational order seems to disregard the creation of Americans with these mindsets, and appears to be tilted in favoring the shaping of minds primarily into important specific knowledge focuses (science, technology, education, math).  The creation, valuing and support of open-minded, non-tribal, ideologically free, moral critical thinkers is  one of  the greatest gifts any nation seeking to maintain individual freedom and liberty can give itself, because these protect and defend, not firstly with weapons made of iron, but with the intangible instruments of the mind: common sense, refined executive functions, and intellects crafted to become observant, analytical, fair and balanced in perspective, ever-ready to the questioning and refinement of oneā€™s education.  Edu...

#ExecutiveFunction Skills, #FinancialLiteracy & Physical Health in #America

  As an advocate for the executive function skills health of American children & adults ,  I am continously amazed by the wrong direction we are headed on two relevant fronts: ā€¢ national public school educational policy to educate the present, and upcoming generations of our nation's children,  ā€¢ and the effects of environmental toxicity on the development and long-term health of our brains. In a macro perspective, with such bright minds in our country, it is a marvel that states do not immediately make moves to strengthen and protect the American brain trust, our children, in these key areas of: ā€¢ executive function skills development ā€¢ financial literacy ā€¢ physical health That is to say, a person operates optimally when they have effective self-management systems that take into account all aspects of the person, is raised to in a scholastic culture that emphasizes financial self-reliance, and is able to live a life free of harmful...