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Showing posts with the label Proverbs

Let Man Be Man, let the Dude be #TheDude / @clinteastwood #fatherhood #manhood #God

ā€œ..the glory of children are their fathers.ā€ Proverbs 17:6b Holy Bible KJV Growing up I was a big Clint Eastwood fan. Mr. Eastwood looked just like my late-father and the roles Clint played on the silver screen my own father, in many ways, lived in real life. Dad was a 101st Airborne Ranger, a Screaming Eagle in the U.S. Army. Dad was also a U.S. Marine Corps soldier who went into Korea as part of an elite expeditionary force before the formal start of the war. Dad was the darling of the generals and was the intermediary between them and the rest of the ā€˜brassā€™ at the height of his military career. In many ways, though I did not serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, growing up with my father felt like I did. Dad was both tough and loving, disciplined and nurturing to my sisters and I. A manā€™s man. A dudeā€™s dude. Mr. Eastwood is well-known for his fatherhood and his acting roles as being tougher-than-nails, a champion of justice and righteousness, a protector of America...

#ExecutiveFunction Skills Development Held Hostage in the #AgeOfAutism

If you go on mainstream television news broadcasts it may hard to find a talking head that is politically incorrect these days. This is largely due to the fact that most mainstream news networks are owned by a few handful of entities who lack frontal lobes. It is not beyond imagination to see that some (if not all) mainstream news outlets are run and programmed by hidden agendas that overrun their ability to lead true journalistic enterprises unfettered by corrupt tendencies. News television viewers are left with 'news' that is slanted towards a viewpoint, news that focuses on one or a set of topics only, and news that is okay for the ones paying for the 30 second commercials every three minutes. It may just be that all who enter the mainstream news outlets only enter if they agree to tow the unspoken agenda of that news organization. Does this mean that each of these journalist must hang up their ability to speak unbiasedly and critically? Does this mean that each o...