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Showing posts with the label teachers

Your Most Humble & Obedient Servant

Gentle-hearted, not easily provoked, slow to anger, ready to forgive. Being meek, as defined in Judeo-Christian scripture, differs from its common understanding outside of its biblical interpretation. Its understanding in scripture is connected with one of the qualities of being the sons and daughters of God. Its scriptural application from the LORD describes the word as being gentle of heart unto others, submissive unto God, and humble in all of ones ways; an intelligently, aware understanding that is outwardly good and inwardly producing continued peace in the heart and mind. Moses was well-known for being meek. George Washington, though he was a soldier all his life, was meek, as can be directly understood from his writings. Abigail Adams was meek. Frederick Douglass was meek. Abraham Lincoln was meek. George Washington Carver was exceedingly meek. Ronald Reagan was meek. What is written is said as a placement of a landmark; a position to proclaim within our schools, family homes, a...

That Long Forgotten Early Battle

ā€œWe will not recognize the true value of our own lives until we affirm the value in the life of others..ā€ President Ronald Reagan Quincy, Ma., June 17th, 1775: John Quincy Adams stands upon a mountain beholding the British-American Battle of Bunker Hill, a sweeping conflagration encompassing two hills, the shore line, and water. An awesome sight of what was thought to be the most highly-trained, most well-dressed soldiers in red coats & white against a rag tag army of poor, untrained civilians. The scene took place in Boston Harbor with awesome man-of-war ships cannoning onto land, and ranks of soldiers both ā€˜holding the lineā€™ and charging forward against each other. What is the value of liberty? What moves fellow man to pick up the gun  and defend the liberty of his life and that of his fellow countrymen? John Quincy Adams was nine years old as he watched the scene of gallantry, horror, and spectacle with his mother. His father, a leader in the Cont...

The Blueprint For The Missing Chapter In Any United States Citizens Manual

Their are two main threads that must join up, both being taught in grade school and onward, in order to render the professional labor work force most needed in the 21st century. Not looking onto local and national governments or international institutions for answers to social and environmental issues, but the individual undertaking of a business enterprise that banks on project-based mission of social good, encapsulates President John F. Kennedyā€™s call to have our thoughts and actions be about what we can do for each other, as opposed to what others, like the government, can do for us. ā€˜Weā€™ are empowered to be the the answer creators we have been waiting for; the role of the government thus becomes more limited in this paradigm mindset, economic management levers rest with the individual according to the tenacity of their work effort and the social worthwhileness of their goals. The First Thread Empathic Capitalism is simply a acute form of describing what could ...

Godā€™s Statesman / #AmericanPolitics #patriots #FrederickDouglass #humanrights #literacy

Frederick Douglass, the understated statesman, a colossus of intellect, refined passion, and force of God, was born exactly two hundred years ago, in 1818, straight into slavery. He was separated from his family, even purposefully bereft of the experience of knowing familial bond with his siblings, who for a time lived on the same plantation as him, and treated as less than a commodity. An anomaly of a human being was Frederick, in that he was inwardly driven to learn to read and write before he understood that those two attainments were the beginning of the passage toward his freedoms and liberty. Intellectual freedom, for Frederick-the black American slave, was the first and third bridge to complete freedom. Many had escaped to the ā€˜Northā€™ on foot, and if fortunate, through the ā€˜second bridgeā€™ network known as the ā€˜Underground Railroad.ā€™ It was Frederick Douglassā€™s increasing ability to read and write; which led to his growing ability to think critically, reflect, observe,...

The Innovation of Special Education: Meditative, Story Dance / #executivefunction #edchat #education

In special education, the ability to innovate with practical ways of developing and strengthening neural connectivity that leads to new ā€˜thinking pathways,ā€™ even alternative sequences of thinking process that create new mental perspectives, is both easy and challenging. The vast majority of Special Educators are stationed within a formal classroom environment, and thus, must work within the physical parameters of the school building and the individual educational plan agreed to in team meetings. Should the Special Educator adapt to more entrepreneurial outlooks, allowing for themselves to take on a much more independent thinking style in line with that of what is known as the ā€˜clinical educator?ā€™ Taking license from the entrepreneurial mode of production, clinical educators look first unto observing, reflecting, and studying how their own instructional approach, as a series of methods, strategies, mindsets, and fine-tuning of their professional relationship with those they teach,...