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Showing posts with the label servant leadership

#Interview / The Extraordinary Response of Ordinary People / #heroes #911 #neverforget #servantleadership #firstresponders

The World Trade Center, Manhattan 9/11/01 Being a hero has nothing to do with the way you look, and everything to do with the kind of person you are, during extraordinary circumstances. Seemingly ordinary people operating in extraordinary ways suddenly change. They became unmistakably different, even resolute in focus, as if on a mission.  Their are untold stories circulating around the tragedy that took place on September 11, in 2001. That most well-known stories are those of the fire fighters rushing up the stairs of the World Trade Center towers looking to get people out of the building, many of these fire fighters got trapped inside as they did their job. Paramedics and all kinds of official first responders placed their health in harms way as they rushed towards the disaster. Airborne debris-filled the air, and at the time of the chaos to help the injured, it was not known if the attacks would continue. Going forth into situations, predicaments and untenable envir...

#ServantLeadership and #CriticalThinking Saves Our Country’s Health / #edchat #TeamUSA

Through what means is a community best built? Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America? Through what means is a community best built? Where can the societal ingredients be found that can serve as the foundational bedrock for a nation as large as the United States of America? How do we move forward to better ourselves as a collective whole and still hearken to perfecting values that have upheld this American quilt for over two hundred and fifty years? Why do we apparently continue to have a union of American states after so much civil turmoil has beset us since the foundation of our country? Can America become stronger even as internal forces are poised to rip us apart? I learned Einstein’s scientific formula from my high school math teacher that force equals mass times the speed of acceleration. This theory can be somewhat extrapolated beyond its originals application in ph...

Skateboards For Hope #interview #SocEnt #goodwill #skateboarding #global #Servantleadership

Having vision and purpose to affect our local, national and global culture is a lofty and noble idea which may sound nice but in reality, involves sacrifice, smart work, focus, effort, patience and tremendous perseverance. In our stock market driven global economy, money is king and lots of it seems to be sign of success. But is it possible that their are some success stories which are perhaps more important than the dollar given the time money has  historically had to bring about positive change in the limelight? Can business and goodwill somehow create a marriage made in heaven? How do we bring about hope and positive change into the life of people when we are not the heads of multi-national corporations with deep pockets?  As part of the continued growth of the social enterprise endeavor I am spearheading, one that brings together typical and special needs youth into the American Originals Skateboarding League, my interest in other similar, yet different soci...

The Woman Who Electrified Book Reading for Children / #reading #literature #servantleadership

It all first started when I was in college studying for my Political Science degree. On Summer and Winter breaks I would come home and her literature would be the focus of my sister’s life. The commotion across the country regarding the literature could be felt in the air. Everywhere, young ones were reading her books, and not only that, reading them at incredible speeds. People could not get enough of her stories.  At the time I reflected on my own voracious interest in reading prior to diving into the study of philosophy and how this applied to the international relations between countries, countries and people and individuals contributive impact upon culture. Reading books was a thing of mine growing up. Both my mother and late-father were constant readers, especially Dad. He always had a new book he was reading and was an avid customer of book stores. I had my book shelves lined with my own read books. I appreciated my read books like the football trophy’s I woul...

How We 'Effed' Up Decades Ago on Immigration and a Blueprint Forward / #brotherskeeper #servantleadership #TeamUSA #America

“…the destruction of the poor is their poverty.” Proverbs 10:15 Two full years have past in my readings of former President Ronald Reagan. It is now the winter of 1983, and in his diary, he has just completed his state of the union speech. I afford President Reagan great allowance in his diary, given that it must not contain all that he thought, decided or acted upon, but gives a summary of his day to day happenings, including his work, his family life, and his ever-present longing for his wife, Nancy. In the limited scope of his focus on the support of Latin America, I have read of his visits with the heads of state of many of the Spanish-speaking countries, his National Security Council meetings on the surge of communist ideologies throughout Central America and his actions to help and succor these nation-states therein. After going through his first two years, questions abound in me as to the Presidents true desire and conscious wherewithal to bring concerte...

The Willing Shehperd who Stands / #servantleadership #brotherskeeper #sisterskeeper #littlelights

updated 2/15/17 When shepherds cease to do their jobs the sheep do scatter. They know not to stay together, nor have the strength to fight off wolves as one flock.  Moment to moment it is not hard to lead the flock. The test is in endurance. Staying with them and moving at their pace. Sheep are slow and keep their heads down. A shepherd task is to be their additional eyes and ears and to care for them with a willing and able heart knowing that the master looks on the shepherd’s way and his management of the flock.  By definition, a shepherd is a constant guide and physician, trained with an eye to watch for intruders, lambs that go astray and lambs that are sick and need tending. Many do purport themselves to be shepherds across the earth and indeed do lead sheep of different sorts.  In the house of the Lord, the guidance and management of lambs has the shepherds walking a fine line, his actions being magnified and creating a shadow of influen...

The Real Santa Clause Can Be Found In The Water / #socialresponsibility #executiveFUNction @surfershealing

There are countless souls across the country and the earth itself who bring hope through action to others. It is because of these spirited minds that others are also emboldened to follow suit and continue to spread a chain of love far from the original catalyst of positive change. Is it not then that life becomes immeasurably more rich when we softly enter into each others lives by serving one another? There is a man and his family who is active in such a manner. He and his band travel the world spreading goodness, hope, joy, laughter and a deep faith that there is altruistic love out there and that it is seeking to enter into as many hearts as possible. This man is Izzy Pascowitz and his band is called Surfers Healing. Those who know of them can attest to the tremendous gift of time, energy and the monumentally relentless drive Izzy and his merry band of surfers and volunteers bring to the life of individuals on the autism spectrum and with intellectual disabilities, such a...

Honoring A Veteran / #Dad #fathers #therealdeal #socialresponsibility #TeamUSA #servantleadership

I want to honor my Dad who I last saw last on December 6, 2014. He passed at midnight in the Veterans Hospital of San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 31/ January 1, of 2014/5 at the age of eighty-four. One of the best things I learned from my late-father was the over-arching value of cultivating a champion mindset. It is what we call the ‘growth mindset’ today. Every day was important and he approached it with all the readiness and enthusiasm of every day before. He also valued preparedness. Being prepared. The grandfather to my three children was a veteran of the ‘Screaming Eagles’ Airborne Rangers of the 101st Airborne Division in the U.S. Army. Dad also served in the U.S. Marines and was part of an elite expeditionary force in Korea ahead of the official start of the war. My Dad was an  ‘All-Army’ football player and also padded up for the Rose Bowl. He was there for virtually all my own football games, straight on through high school. He was unstoppable in his ...