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A #Poem - #ExtremeSpecialEd Engineering in Mid-Air

Mashing up Henry Fordā€™s assembly line,  Dr. Temple Grandinā€™s low-stress, max process ingenuity,  and cutting-edge music by groundbreaking artistsā€¦  @Vaskimmusic @flightfac @touchsensitive  @henrykrinkle_ @mansionair @imdurante  @cyrilhahn @flumemusic @chet_faker   @londongrammar  @shyboy Falling in mid-air Blindfolded feeling way through Tinkering, eliminating, stripping, fitting, callibrating Passion-driven teaching  slicing atmosphere Entrepreneurial teaching  heart and soul smidgen behind for my sanity Jet propulsion on-line now Phase one wiring complete Ground rapidly approaching Falling mid-air the engineer on the engine hammering, tightening, loosening passion enters knowledge makes room experience keeps itself quiet passion moves  hearts beat in sync Ground..rapidly approaching Igniting thrusters in the last moments before impact salty dried te...