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Showing posts with the label military

Don't #Backslide - Keep a Schedule, Keep a Routine & it'll Keep You!

Breaking your routine and schedule breaks your pace and momentum. The moment you backslide and meander into a change in your yourself.  King David left the battle to his Army Chief of Staff, Joab, and found himself with too much time on his hands and made a huge mistake with another man's wife. He should have kept to his routine. He had to be in the battle. Sun Tzu recollects anecdote after anecdote where military leaders left their routines, left their adherence to the guideposts that ensure victory and lost in battle. Just changed jobs..look out! Just got married... look out! Moved to a new house...look out! Starting college....look out! Look out... Look out every time you change your regular schedule... Getting back from vacation...look out! Dropped out of school.... look out! Have a disciplined schedule and it will keep you.  Get back to your regular times that worked so well before. Never arrive. Never tell yourself you have made it and can now rest.... a ...