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Showing posts with the label bullying

How Not To Be a Bully-Target By Using Executive Functions Skills

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha The decisions you make every moment tend to lead to action and non-action. Regardless, of what decisions or choices you are typically known to make. Regardless of how long you have done things a certain way, it is possible to come to terms with the understanding that right here, right now, you are free to make different decisions, thereby possibly embarking on the new you? Are you feeling like a victim? Maybe you are. I am not here to talk about why you may/ may not be a victim. Maybe you are being teased, bullied, slandered. Maybe your being shunned, excluded, purposefully unappreciated. That can definitely get anyone 'down,' and feeling kind of 'dark gray.' If you are such a person, or if you are the parent, older family member, or teacher,  of someone in this situation, please experiment with these guidelines. Make a daily goals checklist identi...