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Showing posts with the label strategy

The Rebirth of America/ Only Love Will Keep Us Together

1 Politics is not about doing the right thing. It is a instrument of strategy to attain legislative, executive, and judiciary power using government as another tool, wherein the winners achieve these different outlets of power, along with prominent employment, and a platform to further maintain such combinations of power. The complete effect is the establishment of particular visions. 2020 is a presidential election year on the heels of a vicious political campaign mounted by a ā€˜political leftā€™ conglomeration of printed news, internet & social media companies, large swaths of the entertainment industry, university-level academic institutions and the current Democrat Party against what appears to be an attempt to remove President Donald Trump from the executive office of the presidency.  He is on the political right and has sided with a conservative, America-centric perspective that is anathema (completely the opposite) to the work of the last three presidents, spanning 24...

#JohanCruyff - Elevating the #ExecutiveFUNction of #Soccer w/ #TotalFootball / #chess #strategy #spatialawareness

In chess, it is crucial to assert control of the board early on. The agile chess player does so by masterminding the beginning moves. Trotting out the valuable pieces front and center, as opposed to playing a pawn game early on allows the player to control and limit the forward momentum of his or her opponent. Likewise, limiting tactical maneuvering by 'controlling the board' throws the opponent into limiting possible strategies. In the best of cases, the opponent is forced to play a 'pawn game.' Dutch legend Johan Cruyff elevated the game of soccer to a new standard of sportsmanship and executive function by being the biggest promoter of a fluid and adaptable strategy to win games called 'Total Football.' Cruyff was keen on spatial awareness and had a mind focused on where to run to using his foresight (the ability to anticipate and predict), where to hold ground and when not to move on the 'pitch,' or what is known as the soccer field. His...

Becoming Special is nothing more than Dedicated Practice / #passion #metacognition #clarity #determination

If everyone is special then everyone is similar and then ā€˜specialā€™ is not so special anymore. Special denotes a separation, a distinction from the norm. It is not average. With that in mind, are there people who are special? As the seasoned learner knows well, inherent talent and genes, perhaps our socio-economic platform in life all may serve up advantages setting the stage to easing the ability to be ā€˜specializedā€™ in something, like a trade, a craft or a unique ability.     Becoming very effective and efficient at something while being able to smoothly adapt to changing ground conditions is a special trait that can be flexed and made muscular according to practice. The more we stick at doing something, especially if we are passionate about it, the more we move into that specialized territory.  Recently, I was perfecting a basic skateboarding ollie (which I managed to do over and over again), yet Brian, who has been practicing street course skating far l...

This is How We Move Forward at Scalzi Skatepark / #socialresponsibility #awareness #positivedisruption

(Updated 11/27/15 2:40 pm) Did you know that Scalzi Skatepark in Stamford is actually called a ā€˜flowā€™ park?  Thatā€™s a skatepark that has both a a street course and a skating bowl in the same location and having both skating ā€˜style of segmentsā€™ easy flow from one on to the other. At Scalzi, we have two tremendously awesome skate bowls and yet, the ā€˜street courseā€™ venue is truncated and demure ā€¦off to the side sort of. Currently, I am working on landing an ā€˜ollie?ā€™ I grew up surfing long-boards and not trick skating so I am nowhere near as great on the board as most others at the park, but I have come a long way in just the three months I have been practicing at their. Others do ollies AND kick the board flipping it once or twice in the air as they seemingly hover above it placidly before they land back confidently on it again. Creating independent operating systems tied to a common goal Chris and Brian, are two operating systems within the context of our common ...

Let it Be, Let it get STEAMiE! / #science, #tech, #engineering #math #entrepreneurism #leadwithgiants

Developing oneā€™s executive function skills, those prefrontal cortex abilities which include the ability to modulate behavior, control our emotionsā€¦our impulsesā€¦ with focus and sustained attention, these are best put to use when the mind is engaged with the heart. Aligning these two is no easy accomplishment. It takes experience, soul-searching, time, knowing who you are, what makes you tick and a penchant for wanting to be understanding of one self and others.  Many of us simply are not trained in school to think along these patterns. Curriculums move quickly on their own time tables and agendas. Tests have to be studied for, homework has to be completed, common core milestones have to be reached. This leaves little to know time for the rise of the entrepreneurial spirit. This spirit is a set of mindsetsā€¦ perspectives which drive one like a framework of outlooks by which adventures are dreamt, charted and strived for. The traditional school movement uses such cornerstone...

My #Interview w/ #Olympic-level, #Boxing Coach & #SocialEntrepreneur, @CaryLeeWilliams #HotterThanFireForOthers

Raising energy  requires consistency.  Maintaining momentum  requires clear working purpose.  Moving hearts to impact minds  requires talent. In the world of sports, such thoughts are always on the forefront of a coach's mindset. She understands that the inside affects the outside, and the outside affects the inside. Aware of this, a great coach is also a mentor to her players. Her attitude gives direct and indirect expectation cues to the player's, hence (SunTzu time) it is vital that the coach protect, direct and develop herself just as the players are doing so. Cary Lee Williams is one such coach.  Recently, I had the fortune to interview, Mrs. Williams. Amongst other titles and hats, she is an entrepreneur, a boxing coach, a mentor, and is the founder of a clothing line called, Never Too Pretty. She is well-known in the boxing world as industrious, a go-getter, and because of her incredible drive, she is also known ...

#Coaching: Deep Value Behind #Purpose & #Vision Propels All The Way

The beginning of success starts in the heart. It slowly move its way to the mind and once there, momentarily pauses. It is calculating perceived total effort and drive required to manifest itself.  My students rarely think of ā€˜success.ā€™ We focus wholeheartedly on process instead. Time goes by and I look back at their progress. The success happens daily in short increments that appear to accumulate over time and consistency. Success is in the details. Establish new ā€˜forward-operating beachheadsā€™ in the quest for particular excellence is foremost on my coaching mind. That means that I constantly gauge and assess the effort level, motivation and clarity of purpose with my students.  Shedding light on the value behind a purpose becomes an initial priority. I understand that if I want my soldiers to go #allout,  they must be on-board with ā€˜whyā€™ we work on what we work on. The value in a purpose helps set up a vision of things to come and provides a process fram...