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Showing posts with the label faith

The Ballast Of The Ship / #theFreedomPapers #government #faith #God

ā€œGet ye out of the way,  turn aside out of the path,  cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.ā€ Isaiah 30:11 Is multiculturalism a breakaway and/ or politically correct replacement of Judeo-Christian founding principles of government in the United States of America? Can we be a pluralistic nation that retains the Abrahamic God in the center? Are the ideas of the representatives in the Continental Congressā€™s outdated and needing to be modernized, or do they continue to be the distilled conclusion of much deliberation on how the colonies in North America were to begin to self-govern themselves?   In the social-political light of what was at the time, an English king whom was inflexible, perhaps not advised well, and deaf to even the admonishment of members of his own Parliament, did the American delegates in these first two Congresses do the honest, selfless, critical thinking required to bring sound judgement, excellent public discourse, ...

Responding to Terror with Love on the Sleeve / #Orlando #thisAmericanQuilt @potus #socialresponsibility #faith

An individual can enter a room and change the atmosphere with their presence.  You can enter a discussion and shift its direction. A person can amplify thoughts and feelings and facilitate positive disruption on a global scale. Without taking credit, without seeking fame, without looking for glory, a man, woman or child can be a catalyst to change the thread humanity. Without claiming ownership, a holocracy of love and hope can turn us all on fire for each other.  How can we effect a change we can believe in? What actions are consistently required to positively disrupt humanity on a local, national and global scale? How is it possible in this day and age for individuals to become empowered to lead where the leadership is needed? ........................................................... About a month ago, the exhausted 'tensionators' in my car's engine ripped one of the belts for the second time making the steering wheel freeze up...

Faith by Works / #SouthNorwalk #gentrification #apathy @Norwalk_Ct #positivedisruption

Gentrification is a legal way of ethnic cleansing. It is a process through which cities and states award projects, grants and monies to 're-develop' land and make it 'nicer'. On the surface it looks like progress. Construction vehicles and cranes come in giving the semblance that a town is 'on the move' to better itself. New residential buildings are built, streets are repaved, trees may be planted and a children's park may be birthed. Ceremonies whereby politicians and private business pat each other on the back on a job well-done would make the front page of your local newspaper and all seems well in the world. But under the surface a nest of rats and serpents plot and align special interest to take care of each other and reign supreme. If you scratch the surface just a little questions surge up. When redevelopment is done in a poverty-stricken town, such as South Norwalk, Connecticut, does that not begin to raise the cost of living in that i...