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Showing posts with the label entrepreneur

Are we in the Midst of a #Educator #SelfExpression Boom? / Is #Batman now in the building? #edchat #SpecialEducation

Is it wishful thinking that growth hacking executive function skills through ā€˜alternativeā€™ methods work faster than pure ABA therapy when working with individuals on the autism spectrum? Its not.  Why do U.S. Special Education dollars in public schools get outsourced when talented Special Educators get paid next to nothing for their heart and soul sacrifice? Does a hybrid instructional approach work better? What professional SHOULD be playing ā€˜point guardā€™ as the main expert in instructing students with disabilities like autism or ADHD?  Over the last twenty years in U.S. public education their has been a seismic shift in Special Education. Special Educators have lost critical footing due to top-down educational decision-making that is disconnected from the actual teacher-student connection. for example, having BCBAā€™s or ā€˜Board Certified Behavior Analystā€™ as alternative Special Educators coming in to give additional expertise via the route of a...

Shell-Shocked Parents of Kids w/ #Autism Need Help From Private Sector

Parents with children with severe special needs commonly mirror the emotional turmoil of soldiers with PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a term used to replace battle-hardened, 'shell-shocked' men coming from war. Just yesterday I was in a particular office with four mothers, and it being Puerto Rico, the conversation was loud and inclusive. By no means would I attempt to enter a conversation as a stranger on the U.S. mainland, but the culture is different here. People are warm, gregarious and a bit nosy... kind of like one big family...kind of.. So these Moms are talking about their children with autism, and one has tears welling-up in her eyes, the other is 'unloading' her thoughts and feelings after so many years of battling and advocating for her child, and another Mom (not all at the same time) is telling me and everyone in earshot how frustrating it is that just about every year her child has to get re-acquainted with a new set of Special Educators, a new s...

The #ExecutiveFunction Skills of #Outflanking #BigData #Mimicry in #SocialMedia Part One

1. Do you know that in the world of social media, one can purchase followers from fake accounts? 2. Did you know that big data crunching now can create mimicry algorithms to tailor masses of nonexistent, fake profiles, complete with blog postings, timely twitter tweets, and yet all strikingly resemblant to your own content? Of course, not everyone in Social Media is a computer-generated fake profile, but their are nonetheless legions of created profiles out their that are at the beck and call of algorithms that can be re-tailored to suit the present needs of a real customer.. like an aspiring presidential candidate, a local political leader running for re-election, a deep pocket corporations looking to seize on a cottage industry...just like the 'industry' of executive function skills development. This is la creme as far as direct marketing is concerned. It's marketing to the power of 10 on nitro in one sense. In another sense, the fake profiles created, if you can actually...

Sparking an #ExecutiveFunctionSkills Fire: The #Entrepreneur Mindset

With the advent of common, across the board student performance standards aimed at competitively meeting international standards, the need for parents to shore up and instill an entrepreneurial mindset in their kids becomes a great priority. Not doing so is a disservice to them, your family, and our country. This action-oriented mindset parallels in striking ways with the development of executive function skills, and it is part of my educational policy to lead a transition from using one's EF skills effectively across different settings and ages.  That said, if executive function skills development is a foundation then the entrepreneurial action-mindset and framework is the context in which we see a performance of the skills. For your use, I have included a working list of almost three dozen executive function skills. This word bank of skills is a fast way to come up to speed with a growing knack for coming up with activities that include a great number of these skills, or activiti...

Trojan Horse method of Engaging Disenchanted Students

The use of a back-door approach to 'jimmy' your child's mindset can be used to circumvent a lack of motivation and engagement. Children and young adults with attentional deficits or executive function skill deficits find it troublesome to focus on that which they find cumbersome, and with the manifestation of the learning environment in U.S. Public schools, the top-down instructional format is exactly like trying to fit everyone into a square hole.  Hence, many students hit grade performance obstacles, and experience feelings of frustration, anxiety, and even anger. Their parents look to help and remedy the situation: they sit down to do home work with their children, they help them stay on the study path, and hopefully, look to advocate for their child in the school. If you are looking for another pathway, then here is one. I argue that pre-teens and adolescents are grossly under-challenged by their public schools, aside from being treated mostly like cattle. The public sc...

You Bring Your Common Core Standard Thinking... I'll bring my A-GAME!

Throughout the United States of America, as far as any school goes, the number one cause of systemic school and student failure is by far the gross lack of direct executive function skill development.  In addition, the ingrained and harvested culture of a 'top-down' merit system leads to teacher discouragement and eventually, a significant continuous brain drain of great Educators, as well as a stifling of presently-employed public school teacher innovation. In fact, many Educators either leave the profession or are  increasingly opting to teach students directly, rather than through the confines of a school's educational policy. I believe that the educational policy culture and mindset that lets Educator AND student innovation thrive is  the one that will offer up the leaders of tomorrow. The traits, hidden talents and flare in human beings cannot flourish in an educational model that values common  standards, over innovation, creativity, and experimentation....

Self-Empowering our Kids by becoming Parent Executive Function Skill Coaches

Conveying self-empowerment strengthening may sound like a very abstract action. But it can be done if you hit certain parameters every week.  The core of this self-empowerment is how we show that we treat each others,  BY the use of:  laser-guided parent coaching sessions scheduled and carried out one to three times per week  parent to parent role modeling of wholesome paraverbal skills  Parents can create home labs for executive function skills development that boost, sustain and empower children's: emotional intelligence:  degree of one's ability to manage ones behavior, emotions, paraverbal skills, mental flexibility, especially in challenging situations. executive function skills are 'housed' in your frontal lobe, and are the ability to MOM one self in a goal-directed manner. MOM stands for manipulate, orchestrate, and manage. Manipulate is not to be misconstrued negatively as when a person manipulates another. You can 'manipulate' how you feel emotiona...